John Mulaney's Champion Challenge chapter 1

WrathbertWrathbert Member Posts: 96
I'm just trying to gauge here whether I just suck (which is very likely) or whether I need a stronger team, but I'm on the last two paths of Chapter 1 of this challenge and I keep getting wrecked before I can hit the boss.

My team is Colossus, Venom, Sorcerer Supreme, all three are R4 5*s, and my other two are Sunspot and Warlock, both R5 4*s. the only one unawakened. Is this a strong enough team to clear Chapter 1 (without revives)?


  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    I mean technically yes your skill needs improving but yay! It’s a time to advance your skills! Way back when there was a Spider-Man themed champion challenge with a stun immune Spider-Man. I didn’t have any counters, and by the end of it I could beat any evasion champ without necessarily needing a counter. The same could happen for you. Just remember energy refills are cheaper than revives
  • GardenerGardener Member Posts: 1,601 ★★★
    I beated it and i have a worse roster than u the only hard fight is the MYSTERIO
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