Why so much hate for Immortal Hulk?

So i pulled him yesterday and I'm not seeing why people feel his a wet noodle?
I took him against Legendary side quest Mojo and he down him in 43secs.
As a comparison against WS, he ended the fight faster than my 6*R3 Ghost.
IHulk - 1min 16 sec
Ghost - 1min 21 sec
I took him against Legendary side quest Mojo and he down him in 43secs.

As a comparison against WS, he ended the fight faster than my 6*R3 Ghost.
IHulk - 1min 16 sec

Ghost - 1min 21 sec

It doesn't take a degree in Elon Musk'ing to figure out that the AI in higher content will never work in your favour for majority of the time.
AAR blocks his immortality and he kills himself lol. He's unusable for AW because of this
Doesn't have utility at all, and he kills himself for OK damage. He's unusable in hard quests.
So yeah. Sucks.
It might not be the best way, but still it's an R3 ghost and still took 1min 26sec
It’s the issue if you don’t kill them fast enough. He has a very tricky rotation, you have to use your light attacks instead of mediums.
If they could also have made it so during his immortality cool down he would take 0 recoil thatd be fine, orrrrr at least like -50% reduction of recoil damage to himself so you dont have dance at 1hp(or maybe they’d do that as a synergy who knows)
Regardless I would LOVE him, but yeah just a small tune up for his kit and he’s set.
-AAR reduction doesn't affect immortality
-doesn't lose the 5% health on activating immortality
-smaller immortality cooldown
-longer Rage. Maybe double
-Store 90% of Degen damage as Radiation so he can have 1 utility
Honestly that could also work too.
Anything to keep me from being so anxious at 1 hp and messing up on accident haha
His play style is unique
When people get comfortable with his mechanics the discourse for him will subside.