30% chance isn‘t that high and 35% of damage taken (if he suevives, of course) isn‘t either. If it would be 35% of his max HP, it could make him useful. LOL
It is too dependant on that 30% chance and even then, you are still gonna take around 65% of the remaining damage and with normal quest attack values, that is not what you want.
It is too dependant on that 30% chance and even then, you are still gonna take around 65% of the remaining damage and with normal quest attack values, that is not what you want.
Yeah, exactly my point. The heal is just way too small to be anything near relevant ... IF it even triggers (30% and often against some kind of reduced AAR so kinda never).
I asked them whether they atleast tried it but they never understand
so did you just want this entire thread to be people commenting yes or no, nothing else? it's not hard to understand what the synergy does and people are explaining why it's not useful. I don't know why you're getting angy
I asked them whether they atleast tried it but they never understand
Why would you test out a synergy for a champion with lacking damage output that doesn't help....wait for it.....his damage output.
Yeah Synergy works, you regenerate health, 35% of damage dealt. Which if you add it in a 5 hit combo is enough to KO you because it's not 100% AND it's a 30% chance to trigger. So 3/10 times synergy *doesn't even work*
Literally everyone who commented has provided *feedback* on the synergy. Not sure what more you're looking for anymore 🤨
I'm starting to think a public forum doesn't really suit your needs 🤔
Straight started to say its worst mk is meme and all sorts of stuff
Bro, people explained to you, that the synergy is not good for moonknight but it is good for ronin, its that simple you are acting like they are hostile.
I havent tested it for Moonknight, but its great for Ronin.
30% * 35% = 10.5%