Honest Review: Underrated or Overrated: BWDO!!!

Rouger4Rouger4 Member Posts: 633 ★★★
This is my first detailed review so don’t have really high expectations. This took me quite a while so please enjoy.

BWDO is a criminally underrated, high DOT champ that relies on high skill and an aggressive playstyle to unleash her max potential. She exceeds at stacking shocks and has great DAA reduction POTENTIAL, as well a solid miss counter.

How she works: Her core ability is Widow’s insight, which she gains through intercepting a dash attack or punishing a heavy or special attack. Widows Insight gives her benefical effects for each attack.

Medium attacks: Reduces DAA by a significant 70% (This is the problem that I will elaborate more on in the Cons section.)

Light attacks: Increases the 40% chance by 60%, which makes it a guaranteed shock. This means that most of the DOT comes from light attacks, which is a con, because of you want a strong DAA reduction, you lose most of your DOT. She also has crazy burst damage on a sp2 if a shock is active.

Heavy Attacks: Inflicts a stun. Underrated ability: Gives you space and a extra opening.

Combo: Finishing a combo gives you a small precision buff. Being aggressive and intercepting allows you to stack this precision and increase your damage.

She exceeds at opponents with a miss mechanic, triggering a evade with no cooldown. Against these opponents, she can stack sabotages quite easily and can reach 110% DAA reduction on mediums, fully shuting their DAA down.

SP1: Inflicts a shock and gives you a evade charge, which lets you stack on a sabotage and increase the DAA to 90%.

SP2: Main Source of damage. If you have the shock active the damage dealt by the shock alone is 1000% oof the base attack, which is about 50 times the damage of a non crit light.

SP3: You could chain this into her rotation to increase her critical damage as well as her sp2 shock damage. Its not really nessesary to her but it is a significant damage boost if you have enough precisions active.

An extra bonus is her energy attacks, which makes her a… viable Korg counter? But he is shock immune so not that ideal.

Buffed Up: Decent counter with her precisions.

Diss Track: Easy Acess to debuffs to counter Diss Track.

Cavalier Skill Path: Great option for this path. Her shocks allow her to stack furies quickly.

Korg Counter: Mediocre Korg counter dur to her energy attacks but he’s shock immune.

Smooth Animations and Fun Factor: She is enjoyable and fun to play, and her smooth animations make her intercepting easier.

Miss Counter: Excellent at counter opponents with Miss, with the benefit of stacking sabotage on the opponent.

Long Specials: Great for bane and other nodes.

DAA reduction: She has a significant DAA reduction but its poorly designed.

HER DAA IS POORLY DESIGNED. Many complaints of her DAA is that it isn’t immediate and for a full DAA reduction you need to intercept then ONLY use mediums AND stack some sabotage on the opponent. This is a poorly designed way of lowering DAA.

Reliance on Intercept: This forces you to adopt a riskier playstyle and makes it harder to play around some nodes while still playing her correctly.

Reliance on DOT: She relies on shocks to dish out her major damage on sp2, as well as dish out shock damage, obviously.

Conclusion: She is a underrated champ with great DOT and arguably the best shock dealer in the game. She’s amazingly fun and she has a nice DAA reduction, though I wish her sabotage was more accesible and her damage wasn’t affected by this. She’s a great miss counter and generally a great champion that deserves more love.


  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★
    Awesome I love it, and I love BWDO, she was super great for Cav EQ, best thunderstruck option, super fun to play.
  • ABOMBABOMB Member Posts: 564 ★★★
    Love me some BWDO..she's an amazing champion!
  • Rouger4Rouger4 Member Posts: 633 ★★★
    Next one is domino..... trembles from fear
  • Rouger4Rouger4 Member Posts: 633 ★★★
    I’m so glad you guys like it!
  • BuffBeastBuffBeast Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★★
    Don’t have BWDO so
  • Rouger4Rouger4 Member Posts: 633 ★★★
    Thanks for all the insightful guys
  • edited December 2020
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  • DjinDjin Member Posts: 1,962 ★★★★★
    She's a new champion. You can't just say she's underrated when a lot of people don't even have her. Not everyone gets the champ the month they are released.
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★
    Must be nice... Having BWDO.
  • Rouger4Rouger4 Member Posts: 633 ★★★

    Rouger4 said:

    Next one is domino..... trembles from fear

    Domino has good damage but no utility change my mind, great review tho
    Title underrated or Overrated ;)
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  • Rouger4Rouger4 Member Posts: 633 ★★★
    GUYS Domino is coming!!!!!!! I’m nervous
  • Rouger4Rouger4 Member Posts: 633 ★★★
    Guys who should I do next guardian or gullotine 2099
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  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,952 ★★★★★
    A guardian guide would be cool
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    At least this thread didn't devolve into argument...
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    I really like her. Took my 6* to R2 recently as ill need another skill R3 option soonish. I do however think her worth is affected by how poor the skill class is compared to others just as much as her own abilities though. If you put her kit on a mutant, science, or cosmic champ I don't think she'd be very highly regarded by most outside of having reliable access to shock debuffs which is still one of the more uncommon abilities
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