Do you think,thing lacks utility ?

He has really good damage but requires 4 other champions that have to be knocked out.That leaves no space for others. I rarely see him being used in livestreams videos etc has he fallen of or still one of the top ?Lastly, what should I use him for?
Second of all, though his play style with synergies seems impractical, Thing with synergies is amazing. Sure he needs all 5 team slots, but it pays off. With my 6* Thing, I can do 11k mediums and 60k sp2.
Thing has some decent utility, his immunity to nullify being most of it. He can also take a lot of hits with his protection on, and he has the safety net of his unstoppable.
You can use him in places where you want to grind through things fast. I'd suggest using him in fights that aren't as hard with nodes. Thing can handle big health pools easily.
A lot of immunities. Potential great damage for attacking. He's great for defense.
He doesn't lack utilities. You're just worried about champ restrictions.
He doesn’t lack utility imo, I think his utility is right where it should be.
His immunity to nullify isn’t the most of it but one of it. The utility from his duplicate ability (max sig) isn’t to be disregarded. Use it right and it will get you pass so many difficulty situation. I’d say that’s biggest of his utility. Stuff you can get pass with it:
- Tank sp3
- Survive KO blows
- Aggression Fury node, you can fight those nodes normal like you would with an champ
- Deal with some DOTs that will kill you
- Take down Champion boss final percentile
- Deal with recoil run suicides
- Etc
I say this, some champs require a leap faith and Thing is one of them. One ally mate’s #1 AW attacker is Thing, and he was the most skilled player in our Plat Ally playing tiers 2 and 3.
Without the synergies his damage is mediocre and he doesn't have much utility, just the immunities and the protection.
If you bring in the synergies his damage is very impressive, but you have to sacrifice 4 team slots for it. So unless Thing can do every fight on the path it's very impractical and not worth the risk.