6* max sig

I just recently maxed my 6* Domino signature level. After receiving AW rewards I had enough to get a 6* crystal and rolled another Domino. If I were to open a 5* or below that’s at max sig, I would have got a max sig crystal for some extra shards. All I got was a little bit of iso and gold. That was the biggest disappointment and waste of 10,000 6* shards. There should be something more than just that. Maybe some extra 6* shards, 6* signature stones, or even a few t5cc fragments of the class that you duped the 6* max sig champ of. Would love to see Kabam do something with this as more people are progressing and getting more max sig 6*. 7* aren’t even close to being a thing yet, so we can’t expect that, but something more than a little iso and gold would make people want to push harder to max a 6* signature level.