New arena points clarified [Title edited for clarity]



  • magnus_xixmagnus_xix Member Posts: 2,043 ★★★★★

    SWORD78 said:

    You know, I think my reaction to those numbers might be the name of the arena.

    F***ing hell.

    I mean seriously, I’m an arena grinder, hard arena grinder, but this is ridiculous. It’s just not feasible

    Lmao this is low key easy

    If you are a TRUE Arena Grinder you really wouldn’t be saying that
    No. It’s really not. I hit all the milestones in the 4* basic, featured and 5* featured, plus the catalyst arenas. I maybe do 200 rounds per round overall.

    This is 1.5x that. In two arenas. On top of all the other content they are pouring out. And the regular arenas. And incursions. And AW and AQ
    And u have more than 2x the normal amount of time to hit all the milestones.
  • RavenKeeperRavenKeeper Member Posts: 279 ★★★
    edited December 2020
    100 series for a 5*.

    That is 300 fights.

    That means 400 series for the 6* arena which is 1200 fights.
    What the heck Kabam? I don’t have time for this and 99% of everyone else doesn’t either. Please fix this and give us the same boosters as you did last time.
  • DretlleDretlle Member Posts: 41
    It takes me roughly 2 min to do 3 fights in the new 6 star arena and I gain around 16,500 points. That's about 12 minutes per 100,000 points. I would need to gain 100,000 points 40 times to reach the final milestone of 4,000,000 million points. 40 times 12 minutes is 480 minutes. 480 minutes is 8 hours. 8 hours over 7 days is around an hour and 10 minutes of arena grinding a day.

    Personally skipping this one tbh
  • FloorKillerFloorKiller Member Posts: 152 ★★
    what if you play on 2 or more accounts???? Are you sure this is a gift, kabam???
  • ThēMandalorianThēMandalorian Member Posts: 368 ★★★★

    SWORD78 said:

    You know, I think my reaction to those numbers might be the name of the arena.

    F***ing hell.

    I mean seriously, I’m an arena grinder, hard arena grinder, but this is ridiculous. It’s just not feasible

    Lmao this is low key easy

    If you are a TRUE Arena Grinder you really wouldn’t be saying that
    No. It’s really not. I hit all the milestones in the 4* basic, featured and 5* featured, plus the catalyst arenas. I maybe do 200 rounds per round overall.

    This is 1.5x that. In two arenas. On top of all the other content they are pouring out. And the regular arenas. And incursions. And AW and AQ
    And u have more than 2x the normal amount of time to hit all the milestones.
    Except I was using primarily 6-star Champs WITH boosts buddy. @magnus_xix
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  • MeebletonMeebleton Member Posts: 552 ★★★

    SWORD78 said:

    You know, I think my reaction to those numbers might be the name of the arena.

    F***ing hell.

    I mean seriously, I’m an arena grinder, hard arena grinder, but this is ridiculous. It’s just not feasible

    Lmao this is low key easy

    If you are a TRUE Arena Grinder you really wouldn’t be saying that
    No. It’s really not. I hit all the milestones in the 4* basic, featured and 5* featured, plus the catalyst arenas. I maybe do 200 rounds per round overall.

    This is 1.5x that. In two arenas. On top of all the other content they are pouring out. And the regular arenas. And incursions. And AW and AQ
    Exactly. I grinded the arena for Cosmic Ghost Rider Featured and still "only" did 400+ Arena Fights in a Row.

    And I didn't do arena for 2 weeks because that was horrible and even though I felt it was worth it, there was no new content and it was the end of the month when I did it. But man, that drained my soul.
    Exactly. It’s basically asking people to do a featured 5* grind as a ‘celebration’

    I’ll see yous on the 12th anniversary when I finish grinding this arena
    But without the reward of a featured 5*
    They should have just asked us if we wanted to do slave labour in a coal mine for our "celebration"
  • Aziz5253Aziz5253 Member Posts: 495 ★★★
    I kinda feel it's gonna be useless complaining about this. I'm just gonna drop the Arenas altogether.

    This anniversary has been such a roller coaster I swear, for me. First I find out that I'm grouped together with someone who has just completed 5.2, then they give us awesome anniversary gifts, and then they expect us to grind our lives out for arena.

    I was actually willing to sacrifice my sleep to get the anniversary rewards since I have national exams next week and have to study 15 hours a day, but I guess Kabam does care about my health a lot. Nice!
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  • De_Potato_SaladDe_Potato_Salad Member Posts: 472 ★★★
    I just did the maths and to get all milestones in the 6* shard arena its around 700+ fights. What are your thoughts on this?
  • _Kill_Switch__Kill_Switch_ Member Posts: 275 ★★
    My thought is that this thread will be closed lol
  • AngellodAngellod Member Posts: 1
    Ready for this post be closed? lmao
  • Ghostspider231Ghostspider231 Member Posts: 301 ★★★
    Kabam responded saying that the multiplier is in keeping with the previous arenas of this kind. I agree that the the multiplier is the same as well as the point total. However the milestones have increased dramatically from 1 million to 4 million. The monster hunter arena points were much higher with 4 million point milestones. Doing the math for these arenas you will have to do 150-250 runs to get them. Considering the amount of content available this needs to be cut down.
  • magnus_xixmagnus_xix Member Posts: 2,043 ★★★★★
    You get around 5300 points per fight after reaching the 3x multiplier (this is approximate some will give less but more than likely you will get more)

    5300 × 3 = 15,900 - ×3 because there are 3 fight in 1 rotation

    15,900 × 16 = 254,400 - assume you did 16 rotation

    254,400 × 2 = 508,800 - 16 rotations 2 times a day

    508,800 × 7 = 3,561,600 - 16 rotations 2 times a day for 7 days

    3.5M is enough for you to get 4500 6* star shards.

    You might be thinking this 16 rotations take too long and you don't have time for it well...

    Let's assume the time taken to load in your champions, finish all the fights and start the next is 5 minutes i.e. the time taken for 1 rotation (which is highballing it even for slow devices)

    5 × 16 = 80 - time taken for 16 rotations

    80 × 2 =160 - time taken for 16 rotations 2 times a day

    160 × 7 = 1120 - time taken in minutes to reach the 3.5M milestone across 7 days.

    You're probably thinking 1120 minutes is absurd but let's break it down.

    1120 ÷ 7 = 160 - time needed in one day to reach the milestone in minutes

    160 ÷ 2 = 80 - time needed twice a day in minutes

    80 ÷ 60 = 1.333333... - time needed twice a day in hours. 1.33333 equates to around 1 hour and 20 minutes.

    To summarise everything up, if u spend 1 hour and 20 minutes, twice a day for 7 days doing the arena you will get 4500 6* shards. To me, when said like this, it sounds much more realistic
  • drunkdragon5drunkdragon5 Member Posts: 25
    im very confused on this arena thing, so is the arena multiplier supposed to be like the punisher one with 8 mil, and like 250k per match? Im only getting like 4k per match.
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