Announcing Event Quest: Blades



  • Viper1987Viper1987 Member Posts: 728 ★★★
    Crine60 wrote: »
    Viper1987 wrote: »
    MICTUC wrote: »
    Mike do you have dimensional beings list?

    Dormammu and Mephisto. And Mephisto doesn't allow ability accuracy reduction, so Dormammu.


    Cool, thanks. After I posted that I fought Morningstar and noticed the tag. I decided to go through my roster to see who is tagged as a dimensional being. The list is as follows:
    • Ghost Rider
    • Hood
    • Dormammu
    • Magik
    • Morningstar
    • Mephisto (I'm assuming)

    So Blade looks like a good potential Dormammu counter (degen counter) and Magik Limbo counter.
  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    This new update removed 6* shards
  • hheemmhheemm Member Posts: 17
    Guys I think I figured it out, without speculating too much. I think the 6* will be in the new BASES.

    But bases will be us placing our champs? So that won't happen

    Maybe a new daily catalyst quest. Something along the lines of T2A/T5B shards. Or some crystal shard daily quests where we can earn phc for the easy quest and 5* shards for the hardest quest
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,945 ★★★★★
    edited September 2017
    Anonymous wrote: »
    Viper1987 wrote: »
    Morgan wrote: »
    So far we had events like web slinger once every 3 months. for a grand (disappointing) total of 4 a year. I'll start by saying that these should at least be once every two months, and secondly, rewards for event quest are still disappointing.

    Shards are ok but getting premiums completing master mode is really underwhelming. I'd rather welcome 4* sig stone crystals, as anyways they're becoming less and less relevant now that 6* are about to come.

    About the new event with 6* (cause the only left answer is the new hard event), i hope you don't **** up. Since 6* will be in it, it gonna be already quite challenging considering how "smart" use you make of block dmg and CR. At least, don't make any wallet node, but keep it hard on its own. None wanna see 30k iceman with 9k atk being at the crossroad for all paths in the event with unavoidable dmg, as none wants to see 30k dormammus with 2000hp degen dmg x tic. Use your brains for once and offer someting yes hard, but skill-friendly. If i am a great player, i should finish my fights alive given i don't make mistakes.

    Let's see what will be.

    Please wait until we announce where 6-Stars will be premiering before we start speculating! It is not a Challenge like Coulson/Bautista etc.

    Well, that was my guess. Now I'm excited because I'm out of ideas. :) I like surprises.

    Something having to do with bases? :o just kidding

    Not trying to be a jerk but... ain’t there a button to say “Lol”? I’m not sure why you have to make an entire comment for it.

    There's nothing that says I can't reply with a comment. Sometimes I want people to see that I thought it was funny.

    It was repetitive and non constructive

    No. What is non-constructive is criticizing someone for posting a comment that is really in no violation of the Forum, thereby making it personal and off-topic.
  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    So like the button, we get a title for selling and not selling? In that case, which is the more rare title?

    If it is like the button, then I believe the rarer title is obtained by not selling your soul.

    For the button event, if you pushed the button, you will get the title "Button Pusher" which is a common title (grey). Whereas if you never pushed the button, you will get the title "Honourary Guardian of the Galaxy" which is an uncommon title (bronze).
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  • BornBorn Member Posts: 228 ★★
    Y’all should add an additional event quest after we 100% the monthly quest with increased difficulty and increased rewards. And I don’t mean the same map with the same opponents with increased attack and health, something different. Maybe just 1 map with all the bosses on crazy nodes with crazy attack and health. These monthly quests are getting easier and easier, more time consuming then they are fun and challenging.

    Seriously walking through this master event with 1 champ and finishing with barely a scratch.

    So boring and repetitive.
  • MilkthewhalesMilkthewhales Member Posts: 81
    Born wrote: »
    Y’all should add an additional event quest after we 100% the monthly quest with increased difficulty and increased rewards. And I don’t mean the same map with the same opponents with increased attack and health, something different. Maybe just 1 map with all the bosses on crazy nodes with crazy attack and health. These monthly quests are getting easier and easier, more time consuming then they are fun and challenging.

    Seriously walking through this master event with 1 champ and finishing with barely a scratch.

    So boring and repetitive.

    Agree and it always feels like Kabam are way behind the curve on this one. Like unless were kicking down the door asking for this stuff it never gets done. The game is so slow to evolve in all areas compared to summoner progression.
  • Gambit7Gambit7 Member Posts: 1
    Finally blade! Hope to get him.
  • BruteForce75BruteForce75 Member Posts: 48
    Do the extra lost souls simply disappear at the end of the month? I have 56 in inventory that I have no use for. I already explored master.
  • SpeedbumpSpeedbump Member Posts: 1,520 ★★★
    Do the extra lost souls simply disappear at the end of the month? I have 56 in inventory that I have no use for. I already explored master.

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  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    3h59mins. My ign is the same as my forum nick.
    first quest i can complete 100% on master

    mephisto was super hard to beat for me, without that soul boost it was impossible, or i am a noob
  • Bishbish2Bishbish2 Member Posts: 19
    4h08mins. My ign is also the same as in this forum.
    I used OG BP with the mutant crit team.
  • 6Man6Man Member Posts: 3
    @Kabam Miike do you know when the legend title results will be dropped
  • WarriorbatwingWarriorbatwing Member Posts: 2
    Will blade be permanently added
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