Compensation Rewards???

ScytheScythe Member Posts: 2
I feel that some compensation rewards would be greatly appreciated after the clown fiesta of an anniversary that happened today. Servers going up and down on a whim, and the arena multiplier being broken. In the past we have gotten some rewards or things like these, is there any reason why we wouldn't now?


  • ImGodMFImGodMF Member Posts: 459 ★★★
    Jesus christ, didnt take long at all for someone to get greedy. What makes you think arena multiplier is broken?
  • Gil0610Gil0610 Member Posts: 192
    The arena multiplier isnt broken stop crying and we dont need comp
  • Doomsfist79Doomsfist79 Member Posts: 922 ★★★
    I like free stuff as much as the next person.. but come on man.. the servers weren't even down for 2 hours.. the last time we received compensation due to down time.. the servers were unstable for about a week and impacted war.. AQ.. arena.. etc..

    There is no way you can compare the hiccup earlier today to that...
  • Odinson9Odinson9 Member Posts: 122
    Kabam could shut the game down for a week and they still wouldn’t think we need compensation
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