Honest Review: Underrated or Overrated: Old Man Logan

When Old Man Logan came out in the beta , everyone thought he was the superior champion. Now fast forward about a year, Colossus is regarded as a top tier mutant and Old Man Logan is dismissed as a disappointing buff. While Colossus is obviously superior, we are going to analyze Old Man Logan and see if this hate is deserved or unwarranted.
Lets get some of his abilities out of the way first. He has immunity to ability accuracy modification. This allows him to fight champs and nodes that lower AA without being affected. However, this can also affect nodes that increase your ability accuracy. This a rare ability shared by few, including Archangel and Mysterio.
The ability accuracy immunity is basically the only ability to not play into his rotation, so I explained that first. But what is his rotation? I’m not really a experienced Old Man Logan player, but the basic rotation is to be as aggressive as possible and stack those passive bleeds by attacking. You could refresh these bleeds with a heavy, but this isn’t really that helpful at keeping those bleeds. Firstly, because you need a opening to use a heavy, and also because the heavy has only two hits while the basic combo has 5. Then, you race up to special, which will convert those bleeds to furies. This is your main source of damage. The first special has extra attack and also has the chance to inflict some powerful critical bleeds. If you deem it nessesary, you could use a sp3 to gain 2 Deep Wounds and this increases your critical chance.
Now, obviously because he’s Wolverine, he has regeneration. His regeneration isn’t that strong, but you can keep it uptime for quite a while and it adds up, making him a very sustainable champion. His regeneration also allows him to take almost NO damage from bleeds, making him a counter to Yondu and Caltrops and the like. HOWEVER, his regeneration is consumed when he gains furies. This is in my opinion his major downfall.
The MAIN PROBLEM with Old Man Logan is that he requires a extremely aggressive playstyle, which is partly midigated by regeneration. HOWEVER, you lose all his sustainability and bleed resistance when you throw a special. While the regeneration refreshes every 20 seconds, this means you are forced to balance utility and damage. This is fine, you could just wait till the regeneration is about to expire and throw a special. HOWEVER, you have to keep up the aggressive playstyle and intercept, if you keep looking at the timer, you might get distracted. On top of that, you might get 15 bleeds but not get 15 furies because you want to wait for the regen, causing you to lose a lot of damage potential. This also makes his bleed resistance unreliable.
Conclusion: While OML has the potential to be a regen beats with great damage, he requires a extremely aggressive playstyle and specific timing to balance his utility and damage, which would cause you lose lose a lot of damage. IMO, he’s a decent champ.
Lets get some of his abilities out of the way first. He has immunity to ability accuracy modification. This allows him to fight champs and nodes that lower AA without being affected. However, this can also affect nodes that increase your ability accuracy. This a rare ability shared by few, including Archangel and Mysterio.
The ability accuracy immunity is basically the only ability to not play into his rotation, so I explained that first. But what is his rotation? I’m not really a experienced Old Man Logan player, but the basic rotation is to be as aggressive as possible and stack those passive bleeds by attacking. You could refresh these bleeds with a heavy, but this isn’t really that helpful at keeping those bleeds. Firstly, because you need a opening to use a heavy, and also because the heavy has only two hits while the basic combo has 5. Then, you race up to special, which will convert those bleeds to furies. This is your main source of damage. The first special has extra attack and also has the chance to inflict some powerful critical bleeds. If you deem it nessesary, you could use a sp3 to gain 2 Deep Wounds and this increases your critical chance.
Now, obviously because he’s Wolverine, he has regeneration. His regeneration isn’t that strong, but you can keep it uptime for quite a while and it adds up, making him a very sustainable champion. His regeneration also allows him to take almost NO damage from bleeds, making him a counter to Yondu and Caltrops and the like. HOWEVER, his regeneration is consumed when he gains furies. This is in my opinion his major downfall.
The MAIN PROBLEM with Old Man Logan is that he requires a extremely aggressive playstyle, which is partly midigated by regeneration. HOWEVER, you lose all his sustainability and bleed resistance when you throw a special. While the regeneration refreshes every 20 seconds, this means you are forced to balance utility and damage. This is fine, you could just wait till the regeneration is about to expire and throw a special. HOWEVER, you have to keep up the aggressive playstyle and intercept, if you keep looking at the timer, you might get distracted. On top of that, you might get 15 bleeds but not get 15 furies because you want to wait for the regen, causing you to lose a lot of damage potential. This also makes his bleed resistance unreliable.
Conclusion: While OML has the potential to be a regen beats with great damage, he requires a extremely aggressive playstyle and specific timing to balance his utility and damage, which would cause you lose lose a lot of damage. IMO, he’s a decent champ.
I believe he is underrrated!