Seriously kabam. Really dissappointed.

Please note this is not a complaint about 7.1 and it's fights but the storyline.
The main reason I got into MCOC was becuase of the storyline. I liked how there was always sense of seriousness with the problems that faced the battlerealm.
Currently we have Galactus coming but that storyline hasn't been furthered in months, leading me to lose interest in it.
After hearing that 7.1 will be about tracking down the ISO sphere I was excited. I thought of this as a chance for kabam to bring in a character that can rival an elder of the universe or be a threat to the battlerealm.
*Spoiler alert*
Gwenpool stole the ISO sphere. Out of all the crazy and way better characters to steal the ISO sphere you chose Gwenpool. She's just an ordinary human. No powers and nothing special going for her. At this point the storyline has become nothing but a joke. After seeing the comic of what happened at the end of act 6 I was excited for what was coming with the storyline related to story content but now I've lost interest.
Gone is the seriousness of what made this game unique. In its place, cringe jokes and arcs that's had potential ruined by poor storyline decisions. What's gonna happen in 7.2 now? Carina will probably scold Gwenpool for stealing it and all will return to normal like always. This really had potential but now it's just nothing more than a joke that Gwenpool is famous for.
Props to you guys for making the storyline full of jokes and not actually adding anything of relevance to the important arcs.
Are you also going to make the Galactus' arrival storyline a joke now?
The main reason I got into MCOC was becuase of the storyline. I liked how there was always sense of seriousness with the problems that faced the battlerealm.
Currently we have Galactus coming but that storyline hasn't been furthered in months, leading me to lose interest in it.
After hearing that 7.1 will be about tracking down the ISO sphere I was excited. I thought of this as a chance for kabam to bring in a character that can rival an elder of the universe or be a threat to the battlerealm.
*Spoiler alert*
Gwenpool stole the ISO sphere. Out of all the crazy and way better characters to steal the ISO sphere you chose Gwenpool. She's just an ordinary human. No powers and nothing special going for her. At this point the storyline has become nothing but a joke. After seeing the comic of what happened at the end of act 6 I was excited for what was coming with the storyline related to story content but now I've lost interest.
Gone is the seriousness of what made this game unique. In its place, cringe jokes and arcs that's had potential ruined by poor storyline decisions. What's gonna happen in 7.2 now? Carina will probably scold Gwenpool for stealing it and all will return to normal like always. This really had potential but now it's just nothing more than a joke that Gwenpool is famous for.
Props to you guys for making the storyline full of jokes and not actually adding anything of relevance to the important arcs.
Are you also going to make the Galactus' arrival storyline a joke now?
Unique reason for fighting the hero have really dipped down in reasoning.
Take SW for example the reason we fight her this EQ was just lazy.
Spider Hams was ok I guess.
But the iunt of times we fight heroes due to mind control is just too many to count
I was looking forward to a big bad super OP cosmic entity in act 7 like they teased at the end of act 6 but unfortunately not.
But that’s because it’s 7.1! You have 3 chapters to go! Besides, the whole big cosmic boss could be the final boss of a whole different act for more buildup.
As the game has made it out to be the ISO sphere is an artifact that wields great power. Seeing as how it was stolen is a great deal in the game.
But after doing the whole chapter and seeing that Gwenpool stole it is just...a letdown. It's dissappointing.
We all know Gwenpool is used for humourous purposes in this game.
7.1 on the other hand built up this hype that the sphere was stolen by someone and that someone could potentially be very powerful.
Finishing 7.1 all the build up was for nothing. The mash ups have been exterminated and the sphere has been retrieved. No clear outline of what our next step will be and who the big bad is for act 7.
It only gave us this look at how Carina got the soehere back and is gonna talk to Gwenpool.
I'm here for the fights.