Finally Thronebreaker. Those potions and revives from the compensation helped a lot, no units needed
Congrats Which team you used and how many units and revies used required. I'm going to attempt AOL tomm with 5k units and 30 40% single revievs is it enough?
Finally Thronebreaker. Those potions and revives from the compensation helped a lot, no units needed
Congrats Which team you used and how many units and revies used required. I'm going to attempt AOL tomm with 5k units and 30 40% single revievs is it enough?
Team: Abyss Horsemen with Heimdall, I saved over 3k units but none were used since Kabam gave out the act 6 comp. I think if you’re going with that team you can do it, but just to be sure, wait for Halls of Healing in a few days