"Secret" Champion Abilities

Here are some abilities you might bot know
- Elektra reduces defensive ability accuracy by 85% against stunned opponents
- When Annihlus is taunted while his rod is active, he gains unstoppable, unblockable, and true accuracy
- When fighting an avenger, Nick Fury starts the fight with 6 tactical charges
- When Venom is incinerated, he loses all genetic memory buffs
- Cyclops can gain power faster when he has less power
- Psylocke gains up to 1133.33 bonus critical rating based on how low the opponents current power is
Let me know of any other "secret" abilities on here!
- Elektra reduces defensive ability accuracy by 85% against stunned opponents
- When Annihlus is taunted while his rod is active, he gains unstoppable, unblockable, and true accuracy
- When fighting an avenger, Nick Fury starts the fight with 6 tactical charges
- When Venom is incinerated, he loses all genetic memory buffs
- Cyclops can gain power faster when he has less power
- Psylocke gains up to 1133.33 bonus critical rating based on how low the opponents current power is
Let me know of any other "secret" abilities on here!
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
Mojo gains -30 less Power from landing hits
Although that’s not a secret
The example of Daredevil ignoring invisibility is wjere I think this thread really helps newer players. Those Easter egg abilities you won't know from reading the champ's description. Another example would be Magneto and Juggernaut ignoring reverse controls caused by psychic abilities, like Emma Frost during specials with her sig ability, due to their helmets.
-Corvus Glaive: Parry
-OG Thor duped: Parry (and stuns from SP)
-Vision Aarkus: In the vicinity for long enough
-Terrax with Rock Field up: In the vicinity
-Cap IW duped with Cosmic teammember: Parry
(Pls add more if you know, I really wanna know)
"Secret abilities" would be something like easter-egss, or weird interactions that happen between champions just for the sake of it. Things that will end up being added to the description at some point in the future
Cyclops can’t get hurt by havok and vice versa
Silver surfer can have 8 buffs on consistently , the last two are vigilance and unblockable.
Moon knight can stack potent bleeds and one time out of the month they get strong.
Stealth spidey can become shock and incinerate immune with IMIW
Taskmaster and sentry has some of the best Perfect block in game.
Beast has one of the strongest regens in game . And can shrug off bleeds quick.
Most of these are stated in the Champions abilities or stated in the synegies tab.
Next time word your titles better!
Rogue can't life steal Mojo but she can life steal a robot
In stealth suits block it shows a spider
Sasquatch says sorry about that bud after ending wrath of tanarak
Every single spider ham joke in game
Spider mans precision is called "Sinister-Sucks"
Sometimes in a fight spider man stealth suit would say "Smile!" or "Smoke bomb with a kick!"
Also, for sentinel don't you mean "kinetic instigator"?