Maintenance now at 1.5 hours?

Well...I had hoped to run my 5*s for the last round today. I actually got my 5*s in early enough to get that next round, normally I miss it by a couple of hours. Guess it ain’t going to happen bc of maintenance tonight...
Edit: Flagged as spam... just trying to help out guys...
Just had to.... just had to be
It's always on tuesdays.......
wow...just wow
Get busy with real life man
Give this alliance 1 min timers
"Peak playtime for the majority of their users" Ever heard of Europe, Asia, Australia?
Maintenance has been on tuesday for a long time now. They give you ample warning, send messages days ahead to warn you of this. They're very clear that each maintenance could take "this or that time." I'm very critical towards Kabam, not cutting them any slack, but this topic is just plain stupid. I'm only waiting now for the 1st player to demand compensation cuz of this planned maintenance.