Where have all the T1 Alphas gone?

I recently went back to playing no alliance quest or war and cannot believe the lack of access to t1 Alphas. This is terrible and can’t believe it’s not a hot topic. If you look at all the rewards for event quests, arenas etc these catalysts are almost non existent. How in the absolute heck (PG) am I supposed to get 12 of these to take 1 rank 3 5* to rank 5, if I can’t earn more than a couple in all events? This seriously needs to be addressed.
For some reason, they are a pretty scarce resource without the glory.
Secondly, with introducing Cavalier, and already existing side quests, there isn't enough energy to 100% Heroic. Also, how is 10$ free T1A?
5*s demand big amounts of t1a to upgrade (average 5.5 per rank) which by no mean are available anywhere in the game.
The t1a economy in the game is problematic since 5* introduction.
It’s not a catalyst that should be a bottleneck for players at 2020. It’s just ridiculous having t2a or even t5bc expiring and no t1a to use them.
Glory store updated t1a prices are a joke even for TB.
Over 2.5k for 10t1a per 8 days is not a good solution.
Where's the cosmic ramp up champ hercules to fight the toaster girl
Again! I’m not running A-Q or War, so you cannot earn Glory. Please read my post.
Maximum t1a you can earn solo monthly are:
Arena 10 (3 per 9 days)
Event Quest 4 if I’m not mistaken (Heroic Master difficulties)
Side Quests on some months
With around 20 max it’s not even 4 5* rank ups per month.
You have the obligation to be in Alliance if you want a descent progress.
Solo playing is punished hardly by the game 😠
Accept it and find an easy going ally or call it quit 😉
The game is designed for aw to get you shards for new champs and aq to get you cats for upgrading. That’s not saying you can’t progress but it will be extremely limited.