Torch prefight can’t use after revive?
Question about Torch: if you use his preflight ability and he gets KO’d, but then you revive him and take him back in to fight the same defender, should he still have his preflight nova flame?
He’s a new champ for me. I thought he keeps it for the same defender. But in act 7, you can’t use it if you revive even if it was on during the first attempt. Bug or as intended?
He’s a new champ for me. I thought he keeps it for the same defender. But in act 7, you can’t use it if you revive even if it was on during the first attempt. Bug or as intended?
1) Torch is not awakened: You only get 1 chance to use the pre-fight ability, once the fight is over (you have 0% HP left/you quit the battle/you win the battle) your pre-fight is used up and you can't access it again for the rest of the quest.
2) Torch is awakened: You can use your pre-fight and then for every next time you enter a fight again you have a certain % (based on sig level) to gain another pre-fight ability chance. This chance grows for every next time you have entered a battle (so on the same opponent if for example you used it on the first attempt, you lose, you revive and your regain % is 20%, you have 20% chance to gain back your pre-fight when the battle is over. If you didn't get it yet, the next try it will be 40% (?). etc.)