Venompool Rework ideas

As I just recently obtained a 6* Venompool, I was inspired to make my own version of what I think a Venompool rework should look like, so here it is:



#Symbiote #Size:XL #Mercenary #Offensive:Raw Damage

Signature Ability(continuity Memory): every (lvl 1)12 (lvl 99)6 (lvl 200)4 seconds gain a random buff lasting (lvl 1)5 (lvl 99)10 (lvl 200) 15 seconds.

Medium Attacks: 75% chance to inflict a Bleed debuff dealing 40% of attack as direct damage for 10 seconds.

Heavy Attacks: Each hit purifies one bleed debuff from the opponent. For each bleed purified Venompool gains a Fury buff giving 30% bonus attack for 10 seconds.

Special 1: Each strike has a 70% chance to remove a buff from the opponent and place a bleed debuff dealing 70% of attack over 8 seconds. For each buff removed, gain a regeneration buff giving 5% health over 7 seconds.

Special 2: If the opponent has a bleed debuff active, this attack gains 150% attack damage and stuns the opponent for 3 seconds. Place a Heal Block on the opponent for 10 seconds. If Venompool finishes his dance, he gains one, or two if they are bleeding, of the following lasting 10 seconds:
Fury granting 40% attack damage
Cruelty giving 35% crit damage
Precision giving 20% crit chance
Regen giving 10% health

Special 3: Gain 20% attack rating for each Buff on Venompool and each Bleed debuff on Venompool.
For each buff currently on Venompool, place a bleed debuff on the opponent dealing 90% of attack as direct damage over 6 seconds.


Family of Pools(Deadpool, Deadpool X-Force, Goldpool, Platinumpool, Gwenpool)
All synergy members gain 50% Bleed Potency.

Symbiote Brothers(Venom, Carnage, Spider-Man(Symbiote), Agent Venom, Symbiote Supreme, Red Goblin): All Synergy Members gain 20% more damage while the opponent is suffering from a Debuff.


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