Need ACTIVE ally

In game name is rupp20304
Base power 474,000
Best champ, r5 duped 5* warlock
Only have 1 r5 5*
Want active ally where I can help but also get lots of advice


  • Rupp20304Rupp20304 Member Posts: 58
    Also discord is rupp20
  • Frenzy45Frenzy45 Member Posts: 109
    We are a fun alliance that is AQ focused. We run 3 BGs map 4. Our score is at least 120 million for AQ. AW is 1 BG but optional. We use LINE app to communicate. LINE app and in game name is frenzy45. Send me a message if you are interested
  • greyblue42greyblue42 Member Posts: 157
    Hello! - For your concideration:

    We’re are pretty relaxed but intend to progress / improve constantly. We are participating in every AQ and AW but both are not mandatory for the players. In other words everybody can participate in the game where they like. We are a good place for Newbies, Returners or second accounts to grow. Our players variy from Proven to Cavalier.

    Here a few stats:
    Alliance Quest (AQ): Map 2 + Modifiers (No Locked Champions!)
    Alliance War (AW) 1 BG – currently Silver 3
    Alliance tag: KR33!
    Alliance Name: The Terran Kree
    My IGN: Greyblue42

    If you are interested just contact me.
  • JonarcJonarc Member Posts: 116
    Hey man! Just saw your post today. Not sure if you landed in an alliance yet but I send you ingame friend request. If you wanna inquire further, contact me via LINE: jonarctargaryen

    Our alliance is exactly what you are looking for. Lots of veteran players (boss killers) that are chill and very helpful. I need to fill in a couple spots right after today's AQ.
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