Ghost or Guillotine 2099

Good Day Summoners, my question is who should I focus on ranking between the two stated Champs above guillotine 2099 or ghost I'm not cavalier yet but would like to get there fast and with less units as I possibly can who would help me better in my endeavor I do not unfortunately know, your help and insight in the matter would be highly appreciated. Thank You
Have both as 5*
Have 1 4-5 gem and 1 generic AG.
Can someone please give a rounded answer why Ghost is better?
-Debuff immune path, I get that (but i have options).
-less block damage (g2099 has armor and healing)
-no power control
-no immunities, but phases out.
-can phase unblockable specials (g2099 has a phase of sorts)
-short damage ramp up
What is her killer function?
Like quake bypasses most nodes in the game and has great combat power control.
If g2099 has 99% of ghost’s functionality, but a typical fighting style, g2099 would be better.
Her phasing is totally different can convert debuffs into huge furies sp2 with 2 debuffs furies you can have upto 100k to 150k special easily ...
Really good for lane clearing and boss fights in story quest...
Only advantage guilly 2099 over ghost is in LOL Or AOL fights...
If you have awakenend ghost you can reach sp2 in no time... And spam sp2 again and again in short period of time...
..and her synergy with hood makes her more viable against degen, recoil damage and opponents sp3 by taking no damage while phasing