Buff Ghost Rider

First I must give props to Kabam for giving Ghost Rider incinerate immunity, they listened to the summoners. Now I am asking for them to listen again. Ghost Rider has been in the contest for a long time, and throughout the years he has been slowly declining in player use and overall damage since players have turned to newer and better mystics for new quests. Don't get me wrong, he is still great, but is no longer one of the best options anymore because quest nodes and opponents are very different and more difficult in 2020 then they were in 2016. As a famous summoner named Seatin has also stated something along the lines of this in the recent video "Top 10 mystic champions in 2020", "Ghost Rider lacks the raw base damage/attack other newer mystics possess." In that video, Ghost Rider didn't even make it in the top 10 like he has in the years before. Now here is my proposal, increase Ghost Rider's base attack moderately, and on his SP2 where he spits fire from his mouth, let him add incinerate to his opponent. One final note, in crystal pools, Ghost Rider is rarely ever gotten let alone visible in the rolls. Increase his chances in the crystals. These small changes will allow new players to branch out from trying to get the current top champs only and let older players have more options for current quests.
As for increasing the chances to get him, they haven't done that for any other champ and there is no reason why Ghost Rider should be the easiest champ to pull from crystals.