Apocalypse or capiw

Rank 5 an unawakened apocalypse 5 star or rank 2 a duped capiw 6 star

Apocalypse or capiw 38 votes

5* Apocalypse
Kill_GreyBlackshadow0203Bawa69TheInfintyArtic_ToweryHoitadoThanks_D19PuttPutt 8 votes
6* Cap Infinity War
CrusherXxicylovexXOesername123SungjDragonMCOCWicket329Denzel116RemeliMrBanksKRANꓘDarkDuelistKillswitch01deepblack12Thoye3InternetLoserSwarmOfRavensSoar2878Artoria77Charlie21540AouxWoux 30 votes


  • Nameless_IWNameless_IW Member Posts: 1,167 ★★★★
    6* Cap Infinity War
    I love Apoc over many many champs but when we talking about CAIW, thats one champ Appc cant beat out in value and utility and damage potential all combined
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