7.1 Feedback From a Mid-Game Player

Hello all! As you can tell from the title, I am a mid-game player giving my thoughts on 7.1. I also have a terrible mastery setup (I’ve never bought a carb core before). Here is my roster for reference:

Overall, I think that 7.1 is a great piece of content. You could tell that a lot of thought was put into everything from quest layout to the nodes to the characters on the path. However, there are a few negatives also. Let’s list the main pros and cons.
Main Pros:
1) Quest Layout. Beautiful, considering these are the first quests with multiple bosses
2) Node design. Challenging, but fun for the most part and I liked it!
3) The general idea of the chapter. What I mean by this is the fact that there would be a challenge like CSWS, with a solution like muscle wizard. It eliminates the feeling of hopelessness if you don’t have one of ‘x’ number of champions.
4) Changes from the Beta. Not sure of every change made, but I saw that there were interesting changes made. Goes to show that you listened to the feedback!
5) Encouraged use of a wide array of champs. Loved it!
Main Cons:
1) This one is big. This one big issue is the worst thing about 7.1 by far. Surprised that not many people have said much about this major issue. It. Is:
THE AI. DUDE. What. The. Hell? I have no idea what changes were main to the AI but there are a wide array of paths that are downright ruined by the AI.
2) Contradictory node design. This one is very minor but it appears here and there. I’ll point it out. However, there is nothing that immediately needs to be changed imo beside ofc, the AI.
But that’s about it for the cons.
Ofc there is the humongous elephant in the room. The difficulty. Not sure how to explain my feelings on it because I’m kinda torn in all honesty. I’ll just say this though. It’s not difficult if your measuring ‘difficulty’ as needing a chunk of difficulty to get through. The ‘difficulty’ comes from needing specific counters to different things. It’s more so problem solving then high skill basically. I found myself doing a lot of testing with a bunch of different champions. Also, it was different. I played in ways that I don’t usually play. That could also be considered a pro.
Onto the actual paths and bosses themselves. I’ll say who I used if it’s a hard path and if I remember.
Path 1: Pleasure to Burn. Very interesting path! You can either run incin champs or make sure AI doesn’t dash in at you and shrug your incinerates.
Path 2: Chitinous Thorns. Very interesting path again! You can either run bleed immunes, play aggressively or run cosmic/armor break champs.
Path 3: Invade. Interesting path that is annoying with the AI. Having a hyper aggressive AI during the oscillate fury phase sucks. Still doable though.
Path 4: Masochism. Pretty fun ngl. Skill champs can turn into skill corvus pretty easily. Nick clapt pretty hard.
Path 5: Flare. Easy and fun. Bring different class champs.
Path 6: CSWS. Easy and fun. Bring mystics.
Yondu Boss: This man was bugged as hell when I did it (purified every debuff in the node description w/ no cooldown). Torched him though. If he wasn’t bugged, I’m sure he’d be interesting.
BWDO Boss: Interesting fight that was played differently. I’m sure everyone has made the mistake of having her evade you and get shocked. Still fun though.
BWCV: Interesting boss again! The bleeds didn’t tick for much at all, so I torched her. Shulk could probably work well also.
Path 1: Typhoon. Interesting node interaction. Forget who I used, but still interesting.
Path 2: Destructive Feedback. Interesting. Evo Advantage isn’t one that I was able to rly take too much advantage of. DDHK was also a nice touch since he’s at the beginning of the path and you can practice against his specials.
Path 3: Encroaching Stun. I- I like and hated this path at the same time. One of my friends told me that you could get ‘too much power’ and I didn’t understand what that meant until I did it. Man-Thing sucked. I kept cycling sp2s with dusa and dropped like 400 hits on him. But still an interesting path.
Path 4: Static Blast. Same as encroaching stun. When you get to an sp2 w/o a power gain champ, the AI is usually at an sp3. But then static blast... drains your power. But then you have specialist – 2. So where do you go here? Power gain champs or eat sp3? Confusing but still interesting.
Path 5: Vivified. Oh dear. Had the AI not been so horrific, this path would be fine. Power Suppression is interesting. But baiting 14 (exaggeration) sp1s before you can even throw yours sucks. Let’s look at the champs on the path here. Heimdall. Never want him to throw sp1. Longshot. TIGRA. Phoenix (Ouchies). So yeah, if the AI doesn’t get fixed, this path will still suck.
Path 6: Special Delivery. Interesting path. I slipped up on both Mix Master and Special Delivery when I did this path. Interesting selection of defenders too.
Green Goblin Boss. Iirc, this guy had unblockable specials on the beta and I’m glad that was changed. Interesting boss design with Redlining also. I torched him and could’ve finished the fight faster had I actually used redlining to my advantage (I am scrub).
Venom Boss. This fight is funny. You could either gamble with a mystic and hope he doesn’t land an armor or run a bleed immune. Foresight also helps!
Rhino Boss. Oh dear. Contradiction at its finest and let me explain why. You either have one of 4 debuffs or you debuff him w/o knocking him down. Fine. My problem isn’t with that concept. It’s with the debuffs themselves. Let’s go over how you do damage in this fight. Power shield and matador makes you either have to DOT him or bait specials and hit him with big specials in turn. This combo is already one I’m not a fan of bc matador is affected by ability accuracy. Well just don’t use AAR, right?
Wrong. Concussion is one of the 4 required debuffs. I used my 6-Star r1 LC and got only 40% off in a single 300 hit try. It sucked. You wanna know another one of the debuffs? Enervate. With Power Shield and Matador. I’ll let you figure out that interaction. Disorient is fine and taunt is actually helpful. I used mainly Nick both times. Don’t have any taunt champs ranked.
Path 1: Mesmerize. Interesting and funny path. Void is lowkey insane for this path tbh. No complaints.
Path 2: Kinetic Transference. Interesting node interaction. HB put in work on this path!
Path 3: Gimme. I have no idea why people struggle with this path. Aegon facerolled. 10/10 node design.
Path 4: Special Connoisseur. Really fun path with mutants! My mutant ultimate team (Sunspot, Mags, Colossus) dominated.
Path 5: Blaze. Mixed feelings, but still a great path. Reason for that is the AI. Even 2-4 seconds of uncooperation can screw you. Plus, I didn’t have Ghost, Sparkles, Rogue and other top-notch counters, so I had to use a team revive.
Path 6: That’s Gonna Sting. 10/10 node design. Mr. Fantastic synergy put in WORK. Shulked the hyperion.
HB Boss: Interesting node interaction. I believe I used Mags.
Rhulk Boss: Also interesting! Block damage is nasty on this fight, but it’s fine since there is foresight! Torched him.
Aarkus Boss: Tricky. But it’s supposed to be. Had to use an l2 revive on both runs. Torch put in work.
Path 1: Polka Dot Power. Interesting node combo and defender selection! Torch and sunspot worked nicely.
Path 2: EA Ice. Also great design. Defender choice was also top notch. HB put in work.
Path 3: Colorblind. Amazing design, pretty straightforward path.
Path 4: Pressure Gauge. Awkward at first bc it required getting used to. But once you do it’s pretty fun!
Path 5: Armored Assault. Tricky. Never thought an iron patriot would actually make me focus, but he did. It’s actually hilarious that Civil Warrior and BPCW can actually be really difficult without a counter! Used a combination of Longshot, Medusa and Mags.
Path 6: Aspect of War. NGL, I was skeptical at first. But this path was really fun! Aegon put in work!
Juggernaut Boss: Great design. In all honesty, this fight could’ve potentially been pretty tricky if it was Icarus instead of Rising Sun. But still awesome design. Got two BEAUTIFUL solos with shulk.
Hela: The node interaction is weird in a good way. Don’t get hit, play around lazarus. Torched her.
Weapon X. Great to practice against. Not disclosing how many units I threw at him because I don’t even remember and I don’t even wanna know. I like how there aren’t many meaningful nodes on him, so it wasn’t an overwhelming 2nd experience (1st was MTA).
Path 1: Spite. Interesting path. I enjoyed using my AQ Tranquility tactic where I would use tranquility to bait specials for me. I can see how guardian could catch a few people off guard.
Path 2: EA Fire. This path is awkward, but again, takes getting used to. You’ll want a strong bleeder for this. Bonus points for DW (I don’t have it unlocked) and WP (To heal chip damage). Don’t have WP either so this path was harder for me than it should’ve been. Still a great path.
Path 3: Terminal Velocity. If you have Ghost or Doom, congrats. This path is easy. If not, you’ll have to deal with the funky AI. Foresight helps though. This is one of those paths that do suck with the AI unfortunately.
Path 4: Lifecycle. My shambles of a tech roster did not work well here. However, this path still is great. Torched a lot of it and found out that quake CAN do lifecycle (In a very awkward and weird way that I would not recommend at all because you’re better off using a different champ).
Path 5: DNGG. RUNIED by the AI. If the AI wasn’t so screwed, DNGG would actually be tolerable. Ghost is great for this path. No ghost unfortunately. Mole man sucked. No apoc lol. I actually fully dexed bishop’s sp1 for the first time in my life so that was cool.
Path 6: Unlimited Power. Oh dear. Where do I start here. I’ll start with buffet. I see the idea with poison reducing healing potency and suck but it’s unnecessary imo. Mystic Curse was actually a curse. Meaningful if they have a **** ton of furies. Which you do NOT want. Cheesed the **** out of this path with Ronan. LS helped also.
Bosses: Let me address them as a whole first. They were all pretty much hit or miss. All of the ones in this chapter had big flaws. Still interesting design though. You can see the thought process behind it but they are just super annoying in this chapter.
Electro Luke: Electro counters that can counter miss, GO! Quake and.... yea I got nothing. Miss was unnesecary. Increasing crit damage and giving guarenteed crits was good if all of your attacks were non-contact. I would’ve had a solo with havok. However, I got down to 1% health, threw an sp2 and the first hit crit for a whopping 22k. Only for me to drop dead to damage back. Interesting design, just not really executed well.
Nightcarnage: Shock Immunes/Poison champs that can counter evade, GO! Quake, Mole Man and Corvus. Mole Man sucks at the moment. AA and Apoc could potentially work decently. What I’m trying to say is that the evade is shoved down our throats with not many champs that can avoid it. Poison vulnerability helps though.
Punishing Angel: Tolerable. Mercy is interesting to play around. Block damage is nasty, especially on that sp2. Power Buildup sucks.
Path 1: Size Matters. Really interesting path. I quaked it all due to bulk up, but it’s one I’d be willing to play around with.
Path 2: Gamora’s Playground, I mean Destructive Feedback. Really fun path. Almost got ruined by KM but I managed to survive.
Path 3: Footloose. Really fun path. LS wrecked havok. Void and shulk also put in work.
Path 4: Eat Crow. Torch’s dream land! He wrecked this path. Really interesting path, willing to go through with other champs.
Path 5: Recharge. Great design. Bubble Shield makes you pay attention. I like perforate. I may have possibly, maybe, potentially ate a blade special 2 because I stood there blocking. Still a fun path though.
Path 6: Biohazard. Very interesting. You’ll want WP if the mutant you use doesn’t already have bleed immunity/resistance. Great defender selection.
Ice Phoenix: Very straightforward. Got wrecked by encroaching stun more times than I should have. I actually got a 200+ hit solo with Nick LOL.
Scarlet Spider (I think that’s her name): Interesting fight. SCI caught me off guard a few times, takes getting used to. Backblast kinda prevents a lot of brute forcing methods which forces you to play around SCI. Also interesting. Definitely well designed.
Gwenperion: I like this fight. Kinda niche, but definitely a rhythm fight and I like rhythm fights. HB and Hype tag teamed.
So yeah, overall, I loved 7.1. Definitely want to go back in there and have some fun and record a few stupidly OP interactions. Great job Kabam!

Overall, I think that 7.1 is a great piece of content. You could tell that a lot of thought was put into everything from quest layout to the nodes to the characters on the path. However, there are a few negatives also. Let’s list the main pros and cons.
Main Pros:
1) Quest Layout. Beautiful, considering these are the first quests with multiple bosses
2) Node design. Challenging, but fun for the most part and I liked it!
3) The general idea of the chapter. What I mean by this is the fact that there would be a challenge like CSWS, with a solution like muscle wizard. It eliminates the feeling of hopelessness if you don’t have one of ‘x’ number of champions.
4) Changes from the Beta. Not sure of every change made, but I saw that there were interesting changes made. Goes to show that you listened to the feedback!
5) Encouraged use of a wide array of champs. Loved it!
Main Cons:
1) This one is big. This one big issue is the worst thing about 7.1 by far. Surprised that not many people have said much about this major issue. It. Is:
THE AI. DUDE. What. The. Hell? I have no idea what changes were main to the AI but there are a wide array of paths that are downright ruined by the AI.
2) Contradictory node design. This one is very minor but it appears here and there. I’ll point it out. However, there is nothing that immediately needs to be changed imo beside ofc, the AI.
But that’s about it for the cons.
Ofc there is the humongous elephant in the room. The difficulty. Not sure how to explain my feelings on it because I’m kinda torn in all honesty. I’ll just say this though. It’s not difficult if your measuring ‘difficulty’ as needing a chunk of difficulty to get through. The ‘difficulty’ comes from needing specific counters to different things. It’s more so problem solving then high skill basically. I found myself doing a lot of testing with a bunch of different champions. Also, it was different. I played in ways that I don’t usually play. That could also be considered a pro.
Onto the actual paths and bosses themselves. I’ll say who I used if it’s a hard path and if I remember.
Path 1: Pleasure to Burn. Very interesting path! You can either run incin champs or make sure AI doesn’t dash in at you and shrug your incinerates.
Path 2: Chitinous Thorns. Very interesting path again! You can either run bleed immunes, play aggressively or run cosmic/armor break champs.
Path 3: Invade. Interesting path that is annoying with the AI. Having a hyper aggressive AI during the oscillate fury phase sucks. Still doable though.
Path 4: Masochism. Pretty fun ngl. Skill champs can turn into skill corvus pretty easily. Nick clapt pretty hard.
Path 5: Flare. Easy and fun. Bring different class champs.
Path 6: CSWS. Easy and fun. Bring mystics.
Yondu Boss: This man was bugged as hell when I did it (purified every debuff in the node description w/ no cooldown). Torched him though. If he wasn’t bugged, I’m sure he’d be interesting.
BWDO Boss: Interesting fight that was played differently. I’m sure everyone has made the mistake of having her evade you and get shocked. Still fun though.
BWCV: Interesting boss again! The bleeds didn’t tick for much at all, so I torched her. Shulk could probably work well also.
Path 1: Typhoon. Interesting node interaction. Forget who I used, but still interesting.
Path 2: Destructive Feedback. Interesting. Evo Advantage isn’t one that I was able to rly take too much advantage of. DDHK was also a nice touch since he’s at the beginning of the path and you can practice against his specials.
Path 3: Encroaching Stun. I- I like and hated this path at the same time. One of my friends told me that you could get ‘too much power’ and I didn’t understand what that meant until I did it. Man-Thing sucked. I kept cycling sp2s with dusa and dropped like 400 hits on him. But still an interesting path.
Path 4: Static Blast. Same as encroaching stun. When you get to an sp2 w/o a power gain champ, the AI is usually at an sp3. But then static blast... drains your power. But then you have specialist – 2. So where do you go here? Power gain champs or eat sp3? Confusing but still interesting.
Path 5: Vivified. Oh dear. Had the AI not been so horrific, this path would be fine. Power Suppression is interesting. But baiting 14 (exaggeration) sp1s before you can even throw yours sucks. Let’s look at the champs on the path here. Heimdall. Never want him to throw sp1. Longshot. TIGRA. Phoenix (Ouchies). So yeah, if the AI doesn’t get fixed, this path will still suck.
Path 6: Special Delivery. Interesting path. I slipped up on both Mix Master and Special Delivery when I did this path. Interesting selection of defenders too.
Green Goblin Boss. Iirc, this guy had unblockable specials on the beta and I’m glad that was changed. Interesting boss design with Redlining also. I torched him and could’ve finished the fight faster had I actually used redlining to my advantage (I am scrub).
Venom Boss. This fight is funny. You could either gamble with a mystic and hope he doesn’t land an armor or run a bleed immune. Foresight also helps!
Rhino Boss. Oh dear. Contradiction at its finest and let me explain why. You either have one of 4 debuffs or you debuff him w/o knocking him down. Fine. My problem isn’t with that concept. It’s with the debuffs themselves. Let’s go over how you do damage in this fight. Power shield and matador makes you either have to DOT him or bait specials and hit him with big specials in turn. This combo is already one I’m not a fan of bc matador is affected by ability accuracy. Well just don’t use AAR, right?
Wrong. Concussion is one of the 4 required debuffs. I used my 6-Star r1 LC and got only 40% off in a single 300 hit try. It sucked. You wanna know another one of the debuffs? Enervate. With Power Shield and Matador. I’ll let you figure out that interaction. Disorient is fine and taunt is actually helpful. I used mainly Nick both times. Don’t have any taunt champs ranked.
Path 1: Mesmerize. Interesting and funny path. Void is lowkey insane for this path tbh. No complaints.
Path 2: Kinetic Transference. Interesting node interaction. HB put in work on this path!
Path 3: Gimme. I have no idea why people struggle with this path. Aegon facerolled. 10/10 node design.
Path 4: Special Connoisseur. Really fun path with mutants! My mutant ultimate team (Sunspot, Mags, Colossus) dominated.
Path 5: Blaze. Mixed feelings, but still a great path. Reason for that is the AI. Even 2-4 seconds of uncooperation can screw you. Plus, I didn’t have Ghost, Sparkles, Rogue and other top-notch counters, so I had to use a team revive.
Path 6: That’s Gonna Sting. 10/10 node design. Mr. Fantastic synergy put in WORK. Shulked the hyperion.
HB Boss: Interesting node interaction. I believe I used Mags.
Rhulk Boss: Also interesting! Block damage is nasty on this fight, but it’s fine since there is foresight! Torched him.
Aarkus Boss: Tricky. But it’s supposed to be. Had to use an l2 revive on both runs. Torch put in work.
Path 1: Polka Dot Power. Interesting node combo and defender selection! Torch and sunspot worked nicely.
Path 2: EA Ice. Also great design. Defender choice was also top notch. HB put in work.
Path 3: Colorblind. Amazing design, pretty straightforward path.
Path 4: Pressure Gauge. Awkward at first bc it required getting used to. But once you do it’s pretty fun!
Path 5: Armored Assault. Tricky. Never thought an iron patriot would actually make me focus, but he did. It’s actually hilarious that Civil Warrior and BPCW can actually be really difficult without a counter! Used a combination of Longshot, Medusa and Mags.
Path 6: Aspect of War. NGL, I was skeptical at first. But this path was really fun! Aegon put in work!
Juggernaut Boss: Great design. In all honesty, this fight could’ve potentially been pretty tricky if it was Icarus instead of Rising Sun. But still awesome design. Got two BEAUTIFUL solos with shulk.
Hela: The node interaction is weird in a good way. Don’t get hit, play around lazarus. Torched her.
Weapon X. Great to practice against. Not disclosing how many units I threw at him because I don’t even remember and I don’t even wanna know. I like how there aren’t many meaningful nodes on him, so it wasn’t an overwhelming 2nd experience (1st was MTA).
Path 1: Spite. Interesting path. I enjoyed using my AQ Tranquility tactic where I would use tranquility to bait specials for me. I can see how guardian could catch a few people off guard.
Path 2: EA Fire. This path is awkward, but again, takes getting used to. You’ll want a strong bleeder for this. Bonus points for DW (I don’t have it unlocked) and WP (To heal chip damage). Don’t have WP either so this path was harder for me than it should’ve been. Still a great path.
Path 3: Terminal Velocity. If you have Ghost or Doom, congrats. This path is easy. If not, you’ll have to deal with the funky AI. Foresight helps though. This is one of those paths that do suck with the AI unfortunately.
Path 4: Lifecycle. My shambles of a tech roster did not work well here. However, this path still is great. Torched a lot of it and found out that quake CAN do lifecycle (In a very awkward and weird way that I would not recommend at all because you’re better off using a different champ).
Path 5: DNGG. RUNIED by the AI. If the AI wasn’t so screwed, DNGG would actually be tolerable. Ghost is great for this path. No ghost unfortunately. Mole man sucked. No apoc lol. I actually fully dexed bishop’s sp1 for the first time in my life so that was cool.
Path 6: Unlimited Power. Oh dear. Where do I start here. I’ll start with buffet. I see the idea with poison reducing healing potency and suck but it’s unnecessary imo. Mystic Curse was actually a curse. Meaningful if they have a **** ton of furies. Which you do NOT want. Cheesed the **** out of this path with Ronan. LS helped also.
Bosses: Let me address them as a whole first. They were all pretty much hit or miss. All of the ones in this chapter had big flaws. Still interesting design though. You can see the thought process behind it but they are just super annoying in this chapter.
Electro Luke: Electro counters that can counter miss, GO! Quake and.... yea I got nothing. Miss was unnesecary. Increasing crit damage and giving guarenteed crits was good if all of your attacks were non-contact. I would’ve had a solo with havok. However, I got down to 1% health, threw an sp2 and the first hit crit for a whopping 22k. Only for me to drop dead to damage back. Interesting design, just not really executed well.
Nightcarnage: Shock Immunes/Poison champs that can counter evade, GO! Quake, Mole Man and Corvus. Mole Man sucks at the moment. AA and Apoc could potentially work decently. What I’m trying to say is that the evade is shoved down our throats with not many champs that can avoid it. Poison vulnerability helps though.
Punishing Angel: Tolerable. Mercy is interesting to play around. Block damage is nasty, especially on that sp2. Power Buildup sucks.
Path 1: Size Matters. Really interesting path. I quaked it all due to bulk up, but it’s one I’d be willing to play around with.
Path 2: Gamora’s Playground, I mean Destructive Feedback. Really fun path. Almost got ruined by KM but I managed to survive.
Path 3: Footloose. Really fun path. LS wrecked havok. Void and shulk also put in work.
Path 4: Eat Crow. Torch’s dream land! He wrecked this path. Really interesting path, willing to go through with other champs.
Path 5: Recharge. Great design. Bubble Shield makes you pay attention. I like perforate. I may have possibly, maybe, potentially ate a blade special 2 because I stood there blocking. Still a fun path though.
Path 6: Biohazard. Very interesting. You’ll want WP if the mutant you use doesn’t already have bleed immunity/resistance. Great defender selection.
Ice Phoenix: Very straightforward. Got wrecked by encroaching stun more times than I should have. I actually got a 200+ hit solo with Nick LOL.
Scarlet Spider (I think that’s her name): Interesting fight. SCI caught me off guard a few times, takes getting used to. Backblast kinda prevents a lot of brute forcing methods which forces you to play around SCI. Also interesting. Definitely well designed.
Gwenperion: I like this fight. Kinda niche, but definitely a rhythm fight and I like rhythm fights. HB and Hype tag teamed.
So yeah, overall, I loved 7.1. Definitely want to go back in there and have some fun and record a few stupidly OP interactions. Great job Kabam!
Also, I thought I was the only one who notic the crappy AI 😂
Also, same. The AI is insanely bad lol. Even worse than ROL.
Also, how good was Longshot? I'm thinking of rank 2'ing my 6* soon, and I've also got an unduped 5* Magik at rank 4 who I could also take up. So I wanna know who'd be more helpful in the now.
2) Same as HB. Great for stun Vulnerability (Bad karma dmg amplified) and all types of mystic stuff. You can actually use him for unlimited power if you launch sp2 when they don't have many furies. Again, don't rank him if you don't like him. Useful at r1.
Although, I do like Longshot. I'm taking him to rank 2 with abyss in mind as well. I also have a 5* sym supreme at rank 3 who I could take up for such purposes, but I have a seething hatred for the character (even more so than warlock), and simply refuse to rank him up out of spite.
But away from that, I'm also trying to focus on my (pretty crappy) 6* roster and focus on the good ones before going back to 5*s.
Here's (the important part of) my roster for reference.
Exploration possible? I wanna get skill from the selector so I can rank Elsa and become TB
And yeah, Elsa is absolutely great! Most fights around the 250k healthpool seem to end by the time she goes from a special 1 to special 2 rotation. Some opponents are long gone before she can even get to SP 2, lol.