My future in mcoc

I'm tired of continuously grinding for bad rewards. Been playing he game for over two years collectively. Finished act 6, almost all variants and now doing act 7. But after all these grinds this is what I get in sixstar. I don't know how I should rate this and confused whether to continue playing this game or stop now. I really don't think this bad luck will change for me. These much sixstars only and also four duped already (not good ones). I was hoping for only one to take to r3. But it seems like I won't get one so I'm tired and thinking about quitting game. I just need some friendly advice. 

Morningstar good champ
KM is solid
People rave about buster
People love psylocke
VTD is a beast
Proxima is good.
Wtf you complaining about?
And the value of top notch AW defenders such as MODOK and Annihilus???
Bro, seriously, what game have you been playing for these two years?
Sure you dont have any of the "they're so good its broken" beyond god tier champs ( Red Mags, Ghost, HT, Doom, Corvus, etc.) but that doesn't mean that you dont have any perfectly usable great champs. FYI , Killmonger, Morningstar, VTD and Hulkbuster are considered God tier, one notch below the beyond god ones. I know a couple of people that would kill to have your 6* roster.
You dont have as bad luck as you seem to believe you have. Learn to play/appreciate what you have first before lashing out against the RNG.
Yo have only 17 6* champions, it's a small roster yet. And you have useful champs as well