Looking for alliance

Hi all, i’m an old player from way back on a new account, currently level 36 @ 70k. Im looking for an active relaxed alliance. Im happy to play war and aq but would like to be able to miss the odd one or two with out consequences


  • JimmyBJimmyB Member Posts: 212 ★★
    Join MGP3 (that's the tag) we need a few players.
  • Mainer123Mainer123 Member Posts: 543 ★★
    Look up freeze3 tag. Sounds like a good fit for you
  • greyblue42greyblue42 Member Posts: 157

    We’re are pretty relaxed but quite active. We are a good place for Newbies, Returners or second accounts to grow.
    And of course, we would be happy if you join us and find a new home with us.

    Here a few stats:

    Alliance Quest (AQ): Map 2 + Modifiers (No Locked Champions!)
    Alliance War (AW) 1 BG – currently Silver 3
    Alliance Prestige: 5.629
    Average Member Rating: 347.680

    There is only one rule: All players need to be active somewhere in the game and tribute this way to the alliance event goals or AQ/AW. You choose in which part of the game you want to participate – nothing is mandatory. BUT we do kick members if they are more than 14 days offline.

    If you join AQ/AW you also need to actively contribute by clearing the paths in the attack phase.

    We do have a LINE chat for exchanging information and asking for advice, but LINE is not mandatory.

    Sounds interesting for you?

    Then add me for asking more questions or sent a request to join our Alliance

    Alliance tag: KR33!
    Alliance Name: The Terran Kree
    My IGN: Greyblue42
  • Scotty_not_LangScotty_not_Lang Member Posts: 53
    Thanks for all the offers guys, i’ll look into them all
  • AddyosAddyos Member Posts: 1,098 ★★★★
    Hey I have a 4 million alliance with 3 mini accounts I operate. We do 2 Battlegroups of Map 2, five times a week in AQ and earn 1700 glory per AQ cycle. The benefits of doing Map 2 is that your top champs aren’t locked from participating in monthly or story quests. Participation in AQ is not mandatory, but of course you won’t get the rewards if you don’t take part.

    We run 1 Battlegroup in war and placed Silver 3 last season. We rotate members so that they make up 5 wars to qualify for season rewards. We have a great bunch of beginners and veterans with 2nd accounts (or 3rd and 4th in my case lol). We are relaxed, but ask that you participate in war attack when you join in a war, and that you don’t make more than 5 days without logging in.

    Line is also not mandatory, but if you’re interested you can hit me up @addyman1 on Line, or DM me here.
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