Nick Fury persistant charge vanishes without a trace...

Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 638 ★★★
I was on John Mulaney's Champion Challenge and had not used my Nick Fury yet. I used doom first to wear Spider-Ham down then used Nick Fury. When I entered the fight, his persistant charge is gone and he immediatly starts degenerating. I don't have a screen shot but i know this issue has been showing up for other people too for the past month. I'm really hoping this gets fixed so that this doesn't happen again. (Nick fury is awakened by the way)


  • SnicklefritzSnicklefritz Member Posts: 96
    I just had a different issue in aq. Fighting IW mini. Got knocked down to 2nd life and, other than degeneration, it acted the same as 1st life. No boost in damage and charges slowly timed away instead of staying permanent.
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