Variant 6 compensation for the removal of What's Yours is Mine node.

Onurre2Onurre2 Member Posts: 206 ★★★
I did a %100 completion on variant 6 the first day it came out to have a chance at a 6 star rank 3 champion to pull %25 of science t5cc but I didn't get it. But that's just hard luck what I'm writing you for is I used around 600 units maybe more to buy revives for the hardest weakness path on chapter 2 quest 2 and now I learned that you got rid of that node to make it easier. There has to be a compensation for it. I had to use my 4 star apocalypse, he is the only strong enough champion that could put weakness debuff to the opponent (and also he was bugged during those fights, he was only getting 1 fury for a very short period of time and not gaining it again while striking an opponent with a weakness debuff) and since he was only at 4 stars I died a lot and used a lot of revives and potions and units to buy them. I spent around 600 units to buy revives only for that path and used 3 revives that was already in my stash plus a lot of health potions. I want a compensation for it.


  • Onurre2Onurre2 Member Posts: 206 ★★★
    It's just like the act 6 compensation; you do it because it's "that way" on "that time", but if you nerf it to make it a lot easier, you need to give people what they spent on it, otherwise it's just unfair to those who did it in hard conditions.
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  • fantombeastrayfantombeastray Member Posts: 17
    Yes, Those who have completed Chapter 2, should be COMPENSATED.
  • GoDlyZorGoDlyZor Member Posts: 150
    eh it's 1 path and you chose to use units to do it. If it was for completion i'd be more sympathetic but you felt that it was worth using units to 100% explore it just days within its release. Personally I did completion and explored chapter 1 but didn't do that path or more of it because felt that with my roster it was not worth the units to do it at this time and there was temporary questing I had yet to do.

    I wouldn't expect compensation and personallly wouldn't rally or support the cause all that much. Act 6 was different since even those that did easy path completion were affected by the nerfs and there was no way to complete the maps without having the increased attack and health pools affect you or the champion fight so not a fair comparison. Maybe it's better suited for support to compensate people that feel they were affected. Would you have been as dissapointed if the t5cc you got was science? I wonder...

    "Since he was a 4 star I died a lot" really seems like a *you* problem...
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,944 ★★★★★
    Another thread on this? FORUM SEARCH BEFORE POSTING.
  • fantombeastrayfantombeastray Member Posts: 17
    No_oneuk Says
    No_oneuk said:

    you were willing to part with those units

    GoDlyZor Says
    GoDlyZor said:

    it's 1 path and you chose to use units to do it

    So you guys are saying that those who have done ACT 6 before nerf were forced to do that and that's why they should be COMPENSATED but for VARIANT 6 you are a volunteer, Right? LOL.

    We all are volunteer to play. But if you differentiate the player based on the type of Quest (Story Quests, Monthly Quests, Side Quests, or Special Quests) then that is UNFAIR.

    But guys Story Quests, Monthly Quests, Side Quests, Special Quests all are different.
    So if any of those quest is nerfed then those who have done that quest before nerf, They all should be COMPENSATED or None should be COMPENSATED.
  • Onurre2Onurre2 Member Posts: 206 ★★★

    No_oneuk Says

    No_oneuk said:

    you were willing to part with those units

    GoDlyZor Says
    GoDlyZor said:

    it's 1 path and you chose to use units to do it

    So you guys are saying that those who have done ACT 6 before nerf were forced to do that and that's why they should be COMPENSATED but for VARIANT 6 you are a volunteer, Right? LOL.

    We all are volunteer to play. But if you differentiate the player based on the type of Quest (Story Quests, Monthly Quests, Side Quests, or Special Quests) then that is UNFAIR.

    But guys Story Quests, Monthly Quests, Side Quests, Special Quests all are different.
    So if any of those quest is nerfed then those who have done that quest before nerf, They all should be COMPENSATED or None should be COMPENSATED.
  • mocobis1mocobis1 Member Posts: 5
    I used units not to complete content. But to unlock resonate. A mastery I have had no reason to use in the past 5 years I’ve played this game. So hell yeah I want compensation. Lol Because completely removing a node is something kabam has never done that I can remember. They’ve made adjustments (act 6). But never just scorched earth node so quickly. Which meant they new the potential problems it could cause. Either they reverse the mastery unlock and refund my units, or provide general compensation.
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  • RehctansBewRehctansBew Member Posts: 442 ★★★
    Has this nerf entered the black hole that is kabam support? 1500 units to open a useless mastery that actually causes more issues in war than it worth. Any player that opened said mastery for this quest should have it reveresed and be returned the units spent on it
  • ElkramElkram Member Posts: 3
    2200 units actually.

    I have pinged Kabam support 3x and got a "check the forums" answer. Yet nothing here.

    I find it ridiculous that they changed the node as they did WITHOUT ANY communication about this, since the change. At least communicate with us, as the longer it takes for a response, the more people fume over this and Kabam.
  • AndrarioAndrario Member Posts: 17
    Nobody pushed you to explore it within a week since it release
    It your own fault, never ask compensation
    Case closed
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