HI_guys said:Force of will, lifecycle, power shield Gwen Pool, Face me, 300% increased Regen
Force of will, lifecycle, power shield Gwen Pool, Face me, 300% increased Regen
ragnarok_947 said:Champ- Elsa Bloodstone Node- Do you bleed?
Champ- Elsa Bloodstone Node- Do you bleed?
magnus_xix said:AnnihilusHot and bothered
AnnihilusHot and bothered
HI_guys said: Djin said: HI_guys said:Force of will, lifecycle, power shield Gwen Pool, Face me, 300% increased Regen Easy solo with Void Right I forgot. That guy is frikking amazing
Djin said: HI_guys said:Force of will, lifecycle, power shield Gwen Pool, Face me, 300% increased Regen Easy solo with Void
Moot4Life said:Ghost RiderPleasure to burn
Ghost RiderPleasure to burn
Fabwizi said:Diss track and stacked taskmaster
Diss track and stacked taskmaster
Rockypantherx said:KorgDo you Bleed?
KorgDo you Bleed?
Do you Bleed?
Hot and bothered
Pleasure to burn
Buffed Up Mojo
Mercy Korg
Aspect of Death Tigra
Gimme Warlock
No Retreat! Apoc (Bonus if it's final boss tile)
What's Yours is Mine Korg
Crit Me With Your Best Shot Mr. Sinister