The MCOC community is getting shafted again!

This is happening in the Transformers version of the game. Carefully read the patch notes before responding. You'll see how much they are favoring that game while giving us nothing!
They'll letting them earn crystal shards to purchase the featured hero that they want, which is BS if it isn't implement in our game.
They'll also changing arenas from 3 day arenas to 24 hr arenas. On top of that they're splitting up the arena brackets even more for them and basing it off regions so you only compete with your time zone which makes it even easier to get top rewards.
This is just shitting on the MCOC player base again!
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First give them bases and now this....You're the perfect example of why this community is a joke. Know you're getting ripped off but don't care cause you're used to it lol
Compare the amount of users.
It's pretty obvious that MCoC is a much more popular game than Transformers. If kabam was smart they would try out new concepts on Transformers first and see how it goes. If they impact is good (for us and for them) then maybe we see some of the same changes.
This is just smart business.
Please keep in mind that TFTF is a completely different game ran by a different team. This forum is for the discussion of MCOC, please keep your discussions on track of the forum's topic.