Help Upgrading a roster for arena grinding.

IcePickIcePick Member Posts: 212
After having 80+ Five-star champs on my original account I got locked out of, I’ve grinded non stop for 3+ months to accumulate more champs for my new account. Trouble is - I’m a bit lost. I’ve been focusing so much on upgrading my four star champs so I have a reliable infinite streak that I still have a 5 star ghost and Cull at rank 1. I need a plan to maximize my milestones each week so I can accumulate units. Here is my current roster layout

2 star champs: 74 total. 3 at rank 3, 20 at rank 2, 51 at rank 1.

3 star champs: 119 total. 8 at rank 3, 44 at rank 2, 67 at rank 1

4 star champs: 92 total. 11 at rank 5. 5 at rank 4. 14 at rank 3. 21 at rank 2. 41 at rank 1

5 star champs. 15 total. 1 at rank 4, 2 at rank 3, and 12 at rank 1.

6 star champs 1 at 1/1

What would you suggest I focus on now and in the future? All help is appreciated.


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