70-80m Alliance And Tier 4-5 AW Looking For 2 More

We are currently looking for one-two new members, prefer European, American or a European player due to battlegroup organisation. We run Map 5x5x5x5x2 or 5 (Expert Tier)

Our strength is clear communication and organisation, you know what is going on and what you are getting into. We value Teamwork, Communication and Skill.

Prefer 100k+, as we are willing to put in the time and patience to help you grow and learn, in return for you finding a "forever home". Also, do not mind someone higher who needs a break from the massive Map 6 grind.

We hit all milestones in alliance events and the ORGANISATION makes AQ feel like a breeze!

Main focus is Alliance Quest, with Alliance War second priority (still extremely high though Tier 4/5)
Line is a must, so if interested, find me on there: Id: Draenath

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