Buff old champs first not new

I am glad kabam is buffing champions. It is a great thing. But you should be buffing old champions from 2015, 2016 etc first and focus on tuning champions you released less than or a year ago.
The 6 star pool is filled with utter trash man. The amount of back to back 6 star trash champions we are pulling gotta stop. Buff those champions who hit like a noodle and contains 4 sentences in their description. These were outdated the month they came out and still kabam is choosing to buff more defenders than do that.
We are not requesting to make all these champions meta breakers but make them usable. (And not for 1 path in 1/50 quests in the game) . There should be a minimum threshold below which a champions damage shouldn't go down and at least a couple of utility mechanics.
You can buff these new champions later. Let us make a decent rankup with those variant gems than just put it on a champion we will regret . You have already posted lists of champions who need to be buffed yet you are choosing to rework newer champions who are not on the list. Which is contrived and confusing.
Give us an incentive to keep playing. We wre not asking for freebies. But finishing endgame content after hours of grinding and opening bottom of the barrel champions is extremely discouraging.
The 6 star pool is filled with utter trash man. The amount of back to back 6 star trash champions we are pulling gotta stop. Buff those champions who hit like a noodle and contains 4 sentences in their description. These were outdated the month they came out and still kabam is choosing to buff more defenders than do that.
We are not requesting to make all these champions meta breakers but make them usable. (And not for 1 path in 1/50 quests in the game) . There should be a minimum threshold below which a champions damage shouldn't go down and at least a couple of utility mechanics.
You can buff these new champions later. Let us make a decent rankup with those variant gems than just put it on a champion we will regret . You have already posted lists of champions who need to be buffed yet you are choosing to rework newer champions who are not on the list. Which is contrived and confusing.
Give us an incentive to keep playing. We wre not asking for freebies. But finishing endgame content after hours of grinding and opening bottom of the barrel champions is extremely discouraging.