Which one should I focus on ?

Marvb8Marvb8 Member Posts: 3
edited December 2020 in Strategy and Tips
Guys I need your help to decide. I have iso and resource problem so I can only focus one of these for now. So which one is more useful for Variants %100 completion , act 6 - 7.1 completion ( I did not start 6.2) ( I dont use suicide mastery and I dont wanna use it for now)

Which one should I focus on ? 15 votes

Guardian (duped / sig 75) r3 to r5
Stark Spidey (duped / sig 20) r3 to r5
TheLegionMasterjscott96 2 votes
Nick Fury (unduped / I have AG and r4-r5 gem) r3 to r5
Kabiraz77EtjamaThicco_ModeEtherealitySaltE_Wenis69Gr8TonyStarkScrubhanCrcrcrcWill3808The_Sentry06Yodabolt21Barani7da 12 votes
Thing ( unduped) r3 to r5
G99 ( unduped) 6 star 1/25 to r2
Kill_Grey 1 vote
Corvus ( unduped) r4 to r5
Namor ( unduped) 6 star r1 to r2


  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    Nick Fury (unduped / I have AG and r4-r5 gem) r3 to r5
    Pop the AG
  • Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Moderator Posts: 4,676
    Hey @Marvb8, we have various sections in these Forums to help us keep everything organized in a way that allows everyone to find existing discussions about specific topics more easily.

    I've went ahead and moved this thread from General Discussion to the Strategy and Tips section as it is the most appropriate place for it.

    When posting new discussions in the future, please take a moment to review the different sections and choose the most relevant one. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please reach out to a Moderator via Private Message.
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
    Nick Fury (unduped / I have AG and r4-r5 gem) r3 to r5
    Nick Fury will help you a lot in story mode progress but foe Variants, he is decent I suppose.
  • EtherealityEthereality Member Posts: 685 ★★★
    edited December 2020
    Nick Fury (unduped / I have AG and r4-r5 gem) r3 to r5
    NF, then Guardian , then G2099, then Corvus if running suicides and awakened
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