6.3.1 Fury boss

Can Magneto kill him? I don't have Domino or Omega Red. I have AA,Magneto,Havok and Sabretooth at r4. Is there any non mutant who could work?


  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,440 ★★★★★
    Pretty sure that's 6.3.2, the guy's debuff immune and has empowered immunity iirc.

    If I'm right, you could use a White Mags powered hero or metal champ so the parries go passive and don't trigger empowered immunity and make fighting any nick in general a bit easier.
  • ArkhamButcherArkhamButcher Member Posts: 132

    Pretty sure that's 6.3.2, the guy's debuff immune and has empowered immunity iirc.

    If I'm right, you could use a White Mags powered hero or metal champ so the parries go passive and don't trigger empowered immunity and make fighting any nick in general a bit easier.

    Unfortunately I don't have White Mags above 3*
  • TwistedTalentzTwistedTalentz Member Posts: 240
    I used duped R5 Omega. Unit man had to help me a bit too but I found him to be the best option. Didn't bother with team revives only solos. Best of luck to you!
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    I think I used colossus. the empowered immunity id actually a blessing because you get free opening with an sp2
  • edited December 2020
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  • ArkhamButcherArkhamButcher Member Posts: 132

    Can Magneto kill him? I don't have Domino or Omega Red. I have AA,Magneto,Havok and Sabretooth at r4. Is there any non mutant who could work?

    Red mags wrecks that fight, soloed him first try. You have to be good at reparrying tho
    What tactic did you use??
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  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    I used G99 with her power burn prefight. Pretty easy to push him over 2 bars and keep him under 3 bars with her consistent degen procs and her power burn respectively.
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    I one-shot him with colossus every time without any of his synergy partners. The fight is actually relatively straight forward just long with you have bleed immune mutant champ. You could use magneto but it would be a veryyyyy long fight as you wont have any debuffs like his bleeds, armour break or heavy parry stuns to build his prowess.
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