Why doesn't Kabam / Marvel / Disney sell figures for this game like other games do?

At NYCC Kabam gives out small toy crystals in their booth... why not sell these to the public? Disney infinity has been doing that for years right?
If they were smart they would sell crystals that have figures inside them, that once opened, can be redeemed in game for that champion (a shot at a 2-4* or more expensive crystals having higher level champs).
Who here would not pay $5 or so for a physical in game crystal and a figurine to go with it? What kid doesn't want Marvel toys? (I still have a box of them from when I was kid, I bet you do too lol)... and why doesn't Kabam want to expand the player base by doing this?
Is it bad business practices? Missing a huge opportunity? Or am I missing something all together here?
If they were smart they would sell crystals that have figures inside them, that once opened, can be redeemed in game for that champion (a shot at a 2-4* or more expensive crystals having higher level champs).
Who here would not pay $5 or so for a physical in game crystal and a figurine to go with it? What kid doesn't want Marvel toys? (I still have a box of them from when I was kid, I bet you do too lol)... and why doesn't Kabam want to expand the player base by doing this?
Is it bad business practices? Missing a huge opportunity? Or am I missing something all together here?
That's completely wrong lol. The Universal Studios Islands of Adventure park was grandfathered in when Disney bought out Marvel 5-10 years ago. I do like riding the Hulk though.