Who should I rank up?

Ksp_2099Ksp_2099 Member Posts: 735 ★★★
edited December 2020 in Strategy and Tips
I am so confused right now, please help.
I want to use my resources wisely as it took me months to get these rankup resources.
I am not a Ghost player, still learning her.
I don't run suicides, so no omega red.
I can r2 my Six star by end of this week.
Please help me what should I do?

Who should I rank up? 28 votes

R2 6* Sasquatch
Prtjo 1 vote
R2 6* Symbiote Supreme
MephistoIntensity108Abhro12_3Shannok 4 votes
R2 6* Gambit
TheInfintyMarshMarlocolonel 3 votes
R5 5* Blade Sig 90 ( have Starkey and GR at r3)
Doug4theWinSahil_R_Rana 2 votes
R5 5* Human Torch unduped
PricelessThoye3Thanks_D19ScrubhanBarani7daDivine59765 6 votes
R5 5* Colossus Sig 15
DretlleanaLysis_ 2 votes
R5 5* Void Sig 80
MeebletonEtjamaSarvanga1_Charlie21540Gardener 5 votes
R5 5* Hulk Buster sig 80
[Deleted User] 1 vote
R5 5* Venom Unduped
Kill_GreySaltE_Wenis69 2 votes
Or should I wait for Yellow jacket buff to r2
Ksp_2099JohnyBoy 2 votes
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Member Posts: 2,616 ★★★★★
    Dr. Voodoo. You will not regret it.
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    R5 5* Void Sig 80
    Well I'd go Ghost, but Void is an incredible utility machine and I'd rank him up over Torch. It's between Void and Torch to me.
  • GardenerGardener Member Posts: 1,601 ★★★
    R5 5* Void Sig 80
    I'd say get better with Ghost and then go her but if not then i would say Torch, Void or Collosus
  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★
    R2 6* Gambit
    I know he’s not the best but gambits so much fun
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