Tier 4 Basic catalyst daily quest rewards

The first 3 tiers rewards I don’t have a problem with at all, and then tier 4 comes out of nowhere and gives you a sucker punch. If you did the tier 4 basic quest 100% for a month you would get like one and a half of a tier four basic. I know there were glory stor updates recently but if the rewards for this could be buffed a bit to help those who don’t sweat AQ and can’t beet their t4 needs. The difculty could be upped as well, but the rewards are just plain sad. Maybe if the difficulty is upped a bit you could get like 1/6 of a t4 basic for completion and 1/3-1/2 for exploration, just to help those summoners needing that little bit more. My amounts could be too much but I think people would agree that the current rewards are not good even for beginner players
Rewards are the same for years, back when t4bc were more rare than t5bc are now.
They just need to cut exploration to two paths from three, and x3 or x4 the rewards. Then they will have some use for players when they need some fragments to form a catalyst.