Looking for a low-stress alliance??

Good Old Boys & Girls (GoB&G) is your relaxation destination. AQ map2, so you can keep your high powered roster available for other content. AW is optional (tho we are 7-0 ). No pressures. No yelling at people to participate.

Stop by after gifting season is over, and let the stress just seep from your body. Your friends and alt-accounts are welcome!

We'll gather round the fire, and pass the jar of moonshine listening to some great Southern rock.


  • Varad18Varad18 Member Posts: 162
    I am currently retired and exploring 7.1
    Could you tell me which AW Rank you ended and is AQ/AW mandatory?
  • PappaBunnyPappaBunny Member Posts: 112
    AQ and AW are NOT mandatory. If you feel like jumping in once in a while, that's fine. To be honest several of our enemies maps didn't have any one for us to fight. We just had to explore. I will usually start an AQ, and if anyone wants to do it, that's fine. I will sometimes ask if anyone wants an AW or not.

    Our last war season was also our first. Ended up at Bronze 2, with only about 4-6 people playing.

    We did have a couple leave. They had outgrown us and wanted higher level content and stuff.

    Check us out. If you want to stay, that would be great. If you move on, no hard feelings.

    Thanks and have fun!!

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