My perspective on the luck of crystals

The game does not account for your desires its impossible. No matter what your previous pulls were, there's no influence on the next crystal. If you get lucky on one crystal, you have an equal chance of getting either lucky or unlucky on the next. There's no connection at all between the two speerate crystals, they are independent from one another with no influence on the outcome of the next. It does all come down to luck.
In the featured you have a 1/x, lets say x is equal to 15, chance to get quake but you have the same chance to get any other champion in the featured pool. Quake is not more rare just because you desire the champ more than the other champs that are "worse" for your needs.
As a note, saying 14/15 chance of not getting quake in this scenario is null, as it applies to every champion in the featured crystal, and as I said the game does not account for your desires.
In the featured you have a 1/x, lets say x is equal to 15, chance to get quake but you have the same chance to get any other champion in the featured pool. Quake is not more rare just because you desire the champ more than the other champs that are "worse" for your needs.
As a note, saying 14/15 chance of not getting quake in this scenario is null, as it applies to every champion in the featured crystal, and as I said the game does not account for your desires.