Whom should I take to Rank 2?

MephistoMephisto Member Posts: 522 ★★★

I don't run suicides and I hate using G2099.


  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,916 ★★★★★
    I'd say CAIW first.
    Your 6* roster are quite good btw.
  • MaxLeeMaxLee Member Posts: 205 ★★
    It depends on your 5* roster as well and your progression level at the moment.

    If you are cavalier then I would suggest waiting, as for your initial rank 2's you should look for taking a champ to R2 who you can take to Rank 3 in the future. Guill2099 would be my first choice if you do not have a R5 5* already and Thing is the second choice.

    CAPIW & Aegon needs dupe and high sig. Corvus and Omega are great with suicides and decent champs without it.
  • Gr8TonyStarkGr8TonyStark Member Posts: 1,029 ★★★
    Caiw and corvus first. Caiw is good without awakening in matters of damage and dupe gives utility. Then try to awaken omega and take him.
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
  • MephistoMephisto Member Posts: 522 ★★★
    @MaxLee I have Max 5* CAIW Sig 200 and Argon at sig 90. I don't have G2099 has a 5*. I actually hate using her because she loses the combo easily. And Ending the fight with sp3 is tricky sometimes.
    @Gr8TonyStark I have Corvus at 5* 3/45
  • MaxLeeMaxLee Member Posts: 205 ★★
    Mephisto said:

    @MaxLee I have Max 5* CAIW Sig 200 and Argon at sig 90. I don't have G2099 has a 5*. I actually hate using her because she loses the combo easily. And Ending the fight with sp3 is tricky sometimes.
    @Gr8TonyStark I have Corvus at 5* 3/45

    In that case, you can go with Thing if you really want to take a champ to Rank 2 else just wait. CAPIW & Aegon you already have so no point investing now, go only if you get resources to R3 them. Corvus if you plan to get suicides in the future.
  • MephistoMephisto Member Posts: 522 ★★★
    Or should I invest on 5* 5/65 now? I was planning to max out 5* Sunspot before pulling 6* OR and Corvus
  • Sarvanga1_Sarvanga1_ Member Posts: 4,162 ★★★★★
    Focus on 5/65 right now.
  • MephistoMephisto Member Posts: 522 ★★★
    I'm leaning towards 6* Corvus! Thinking of taking him to R2. Just love this charater.
  • Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Member Posts: 2,616 ★★★★★
    G2099 or Corvus
  • QazzyQazzy Member Posts: 73
  • MephistoMephisto Member Posts: 522 ★★★
    Leveled up Corvus and took to Incursions. Just R1 he was able to take to till Zone 9 without even try other champs. He is going to R2 for sure
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