Massive change for arena

@Kabam Miike
I know this idea will properly get rejected but i feel like arena needs a MASSIVE change coz after a while of grinding it, it just grows boring so here are a few ideas to make arena a little more fun and also yield better rewards
1: Playstyle of arena
What i mean by this is, dont make it a 3V3 like before and make it a quest because the 3V3 isnt as fun as a normal quest. You bring in 3 champions of your choosing and when you begin the quest, you start near a teleporter which gives you 2 exits, one with more opponents but with greater rewards and also another exit where there is less champions to fight but lesser rewards. The harder exit should be filled with opponents like adaptoids, doombots, ultron drones etc. and these should have local nodes that appear in act 4 like iso infused and also unblockable finale. After the doombots, adaptoids, ultron drones etc. you fight another persons champion like in alliance war and you need to fight 3 of them, therefore allowing you to use for example your attacker more than once like in other quests and if one of your champions is K.Oed then you can use another one for that same defender. When all opponents are defeated in that quest, it should take an incursion twist where all champions are automatically taken to 40% where K.Oed or alive. You can proceed to a slightly harder quest with nodes that begin to appear in future content allowing for a more challenging gameplay again making it more similar to an incursion however on you own without anyone present. This continues and continues until all champions on your team die or if you decide to opt out. Opting out decrease the cooldown time but all quiting mid quest increase the cooldown time for a small amount of time (E.g. 15 mins extra.)
Also by the way generic consumable items do not affect anything while doing the quest.
NOTE: Similar cooldown time as current cooldown times now for same raritys of champions
2. Rewards
For me arena crystals often just give loads of gold which is kinda annoying when you need some units down the line. Instead keep these and make arena chips similar to glory, so you use arena chips to get more rewards, with no limit of items allowed or an increase in price with every purchase keeping them at a fixed price and unlimited supply to purchase. Certain rewards should include for example, Gold crystals, greater gold crystals, uncollected gold crystals, buffed arena crystals and buffed uncollected arena crystals, arena boost crystals, greater arena boost crystals, 3 star shards, 4 star shards, 5 star shards, 6 star shards, awakening crystals, generic potions and special arena potions. Story progression should also open up new rewards to certain players and decreased prices making it similar to the glory store.
Also here are some of the items that should be unlocked in the store when you progress through the story content
Instant - Gold crystals, Arena Crystals, premium hero shards and potions for arena quests
Act 1 completion - Slightly increase the rewards from the arena crystals and a decrease in ALL available previous item costs by a small percentage
Act 2 completion - Greater gold crystals, 3 star shards, arena boosts, 3 star signature stone crystals, slightly increase the rewards for arena crystals and decrease in ALL available previous item costs by a small percentage
Act 3 completion - 4 star shards available, 3 star awakening gems, Greater arena boosts ,slightly increase the rewards from arena crystals and decrease in ALL available previous item costs by a small percentage
Act 4 completion - 4 star sig stone crystals, +5 3 star sig stone crystals, slightly increase the arena crystal rewards and decrease in ALL item costs by a small percentage
Uncollected- 5 star shards, 4 star awakening gems, +5 4 star sig stones, UC gold crystal, UC arena crystal, slightly increase the rewards from arena crystal and decrease in ALL available previous items
Cavalier - 6 star shards, 5 star sig stones, increase UC arena crystal and arena crystal rewards, decrease in ALL available previous item costs by a small percentage
Thronebreaker - 5 star awakening gem crystals, +5 5 star sig stone crystals, slightly increase UC arena crystals and arena crystal rewards and decrease in ALL available previous item costs by a small percentage
NOTE: This would be nice to see for me, but doesnt have to be exactly similar
3. Events
The arena wins event (Both solo and ally) should still take place however decrease the points got when achieving the objective OR increase the milestone points required so it still needs a certain amount of grinding to earn the rewards and also keep the rewards obtained the same. When buying cheap items like gold crystals give the player pts like any normal event and if you buy something expensive like the 6 star shards then you get a huge amount of pts to the event letting you climb up the rewards.
This would be absolutely awesome to see, and i think i speak for a lot of players when i say that arena needs to be a lot more spicy and entertaining. This is only a concept and if it isnt approved then it would be a pain but it is your choice at the end of the day wheter the gameteam should develop this idea
Thanks for putting in the effort of reading this
I know this idea will properly get rejected but i feel like arena needs a MASSIVE change coz after a while of grinding it, it just grows boring so here are a few ideas to make arena a little more fun and also yield better rewards
1: Playstyle of arena
What i mean by this is, dont make it a 3V3 like before and make it a quest because the 3V3 isnt as fun as a normal quest. You bring in 3 champions of your choosing and when you begin the quest, you start near a teleporter which gives you 2 exits, one with more opponents but with greater rewards and also another exit where there is less champions to fight but lesser rewards. The harder exit should be filled with opponents like adaptoids, doombots, ultron drones etc. and these should have local nodes that appear in act 4 like iso infused and also unblockable finale. After the doombots, adaptoids, ultron drones etc. you fight another persons champion like in alliance war and you need to fight 3 of them, therefore allowing you to use for example your attacker more than once like in other quests and if one of your champions is K.Oed then you can use another one for that same defender. When all opponents are defeated in that quest, it should take an incursion twist where all champions are automatically taken to 40% where K.Oed or alive. You can proceed to a slightly harder quest with nodes that begin to appear in future content allowing for a more challenging gameplay again making it more similar to an incursion however on you own without anyone present. This continues and continues until all champions on your team die or if you decide to opt out. Opting out decrease the cooldown time but all quiting mid quest increase the cooldown time for a small amount of time (E.g. 15 mins extra.)
Also by the way generic consumable items do not affect anything while doing the quest.
NOTE: Similar cooldown time as current cooldown times now for same raritys of champions
2. Rewards
For me arena crystals often just give loads of gold which is kinda annoying when you need some units down the line. Instead keep these and make arena chips similar to glory, so you use arena chips to get more rewards, with no limit of items allowed or an increase in price with every purchase keeping them at a fixed price and unlimited supply to purchase. Certain rewards should include for example, Gold crystals, greater gold crystals, uncollected gold crystals, buffed arena crystals and buffed uncollected arena crystals, arena boost crystals, greater arena boost crystals, 3 star shards, 4 star shards, 5 star shards, 6 star shards, awakening crystals, generic potions and special arena potions. Story progression should also open up new rewards to certain players and decreased prices making it similar to the glory store.
Also here are some of the items that should be unlocked in the store when you progress through the story content
Instant - Gold crystals, Arena Crystals, premium hero shards and potions for arena quests
Act 1 completion - Slightly increase the rewards from the arena crystals and a decrease in ALL available previous item costs by a small percentage
Act 2 completion - Greater gold crystals, 3 star shards, arena boosts, 3 star signature stone crystals, slightly increase the rewards for arena crystals and decrease in ALL available previous item costs by a small percentage
Act 3 completion - 4 star shards available, 3 star awakening gems, Greater arena boosts ,slightly increase the rewards from arena crystals and decrease in ALL available previous item costs by a small percentage
Act 4 completion - 4 star sig stone crystals, +5 3 star sig stone crystals, slightly increase the arena crystal rewards and decrease in ALL item costs by a small percentage
Uncollected- 5 star shards, 4 star awakening gems, +5 4 star sig stones, UC gold crystal, UC arena crystal, slightly increase the rewards from arena crystal and decrease in ALL available previous items
Cavalier - 6 star shards, 5 star sig stones, increase UC arena crystal and arena crystal rewards, decrease in ALL available previous item costs by a small percentage
Thronebreaker - 5 star awakening gem crystals, +5 5 star sig stone crystals, slightly increase UC arena crystals and arena crystal rewards and decrease in ALL available previous item costs by a small percentage
NOTE: This would be nice to see for me, but doesnt have to be exactly similar
3. Events
The arena wins event (Both solo and ally) should still take place however decrease the points got when achieving the objective OR increase the milestone points required so it still needs a certain amount of grinding to earn the rewards and also keep the rewards obtained the same. When buying cheap items like gold crystals give the player pts like any normal event and if you buy something expensive like the 6 star shards then you get a huge amount of pts to the event letting you climb up the rewards.
This would be absolutely awesome to see, and i think i speak for a lot of players when i say that arena needs to be a lot more spicy and entertaining. This is only a concept and if it isnt approved then it would be a pain but it is your choice at the end of the day wheter the gameteam should develop this idea
Thanks for putting in the effort of reading this