Task Notifications

Last week on Monday when the game started the Summoners journey over @1:00 pm, I had 3 pending notifications. However, when clicking on the task icon, there is nothing available to achieve or claim. I though the game would refresh on its own today but the results are the same. I believe I have lost out on a week’s worth of claimable “Special Tasks”. I have posted pictures with this to better assist. As a side note I have refreshed the game as well as checked for any updates. Please advise.

Last week on Monday when the game started the Summoners journey over @1:00 pm, I had 3 pending notifications. However, when clicking on the task icon, there is nothing available to achieve or claim. I though the game would refresh on its own today but the results are the same. I believe I have lost out on a week’s worth of claimable “Special Tasks”. I have posted pictures with this to better assist. As a side note I have refreshed the game as well as checked for any updates. Please advise.

There was a bug recently when the beginner tasks started again, Kabam seemingly hid them, but they didn’t remove them. The notifications are still there. I’m starting to worry that this won’t be fixed.
I’ve had the same problem for the last few weeks, beginner tasks showed up, and then disappeared and I couldn’t clear the notification icon
I use an iPhone 11 on iOS 14.2, have tried logging out of my account and back in which didn’t fix the issue
Thank you Kabam..