Unable to take any action after using Special Attacks

Hello Kabam,
During the latest update that happened today 9/27/2017, you stated that you fixed an issue where players were unable to take any action after using Special Attacks of some champions. I've actually never noticed this in some of the champions I use, however after the update this is happening to me now. Specifically Deadpool (X-Force) and Luke Cage. After Deadpool's Special 2, he does his moon walk and there's no way to block, attack, or swipe back until after the moon walk is completed, leaving him vulnerable to attack. As far as Luke Cage, after any of his Specials, there's about a second and a half until there can be any action taken. Also, just to give more information on these champs, they are both 4* duped champs Rank 5/5 Level 50/50.
During the latest update that happened today 9/27/2017, you stated that you fixed an issue where players were unable to take any action after using Special Attacks of some champions. I've actually never noticed this in some of the champions I use, however after the update this is happening to me now. Specifically Deadpool (X-Force) and Luke Cage. After Deadpool's Special 2, he does his moon walk and there's no way to block, attack, or swipe back until after the moon walk is completed, leaving him vulnerable to attack. As far as Luke Cage, after any of his Specials, there's about a second and a half until there can be any action taken. Also, just to give more information on these champs, they are both 4* duped champs Rank 5/5 Level 50/50.