My 6 star pull

Hello, guys, I saved 50k 6 star shards and opened them on Xmas day, I only expectation I have is to hopefullly got new champ and no cosmic, then I got dupe Joe fixit, dupe night crawler, Ms Marvel, Gamora, and VTD. And the 2 pull before that is Terrax and Iron patriot, then I opened a featured 6 star after initia completion of Act 6 and got ihulk. I don’t really want this to be a complain post, but I would like others opinion how bad or good my 6 star pull is, and which champ can be considered for r3 candidate (i only see CMM here) and whether I should focus on 6 star featured or basic crystal? My 6 star roster is in the picture attached, the dupe of CMM is from a 6 star nexus that I spend 18k units to get on July 4th, Tigra is pulled from epoch shards this month

Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
I know you're a big IHulk fan but for most players he's not going to be an ideal pull
just finished 7.1 exploration, here is my sweet 6 star nexus reward, and my cosmic t5cc situation... really don’t know who to choose, need some help here quick