Need help deciding which 6* to R2

Shabb710Shabb710 Member Posts: 27
All Champs unawakened

Need help deciding which 6* to R2 22 votes

Elsa Bloodstone
Maverick7516wegnerkOsfan8TKS87Kill_GreyThicco_ModeFiiNCHAdil08TP33RiptidetofuシWolviman1Xanatos 13 votes
Vision Aarkus
Silver_Goose 1 vote
Doc Oc
Mobile_P0tat0 1 vote
Save resources
FluffyPigMonsterTripleUThoye3ŘïdđhįmYodabolt21BlackTuransherin_66 7 votes


  • TP33TP33 Member Posts: 1,737 ★★★★★
    Elsa Bloodstone
    Elsa is a beast you won’t regret it
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Elsa Bloodstone
    Well, I wouldn't take doc ock up unawakened; but I have a rank 3 6* unduped Elsa, and a rank 2 6* unduped Aarkus (who I'm working on getting the catalyst to take him to rank 3 next), and I have zero regrets towards either decision.

    If your goal is act 7, I'd go Aarkus first. If ya like cav EQ or stuff like that, then Elsa.
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