Incursion improvement ideas

For me I think it is the best content in the game. However wish the rewards were better and that there was a reason to do incursions run after the first long run during each 5 day period. My solutions would be
1) make those feat 5 incursion crystals include a small percentage of getting a 6 star version of those champs. So keep it the same champs but 80/20% chance of a 5 vs 6 star. I dont really care about most 5 stars now so currently after 3 months of playing incursions I am only left with 60% a 6 star crystal. I think this would entice me and others to take those feat 5 star incursion crystals instead without game breaking the rewards (3 20% chances at a feat 6 star vs 60% of a 6 star at end of 3 months. While I prefer the first its not that much different when you think about it.)
2) find some other currency that rewards ppl for doing more incursions runs like currently with arenas. Instead of arena crystals come up with an incursion crystals which u get shards the more runs you do.
1) make those feat 5 incursion crystals include a small percentage of getting a 6 star version of those champs. So keep it the same champs but 80/20% chance of a 5 vs 6 star. I dont really care about most 5 stars now so currently after 3 months of playing incursions I am only left with 60% a 6 star crystal. I think this would entice me and others to take those feat 5 star incursion crystals instead without game breaking the rewards (3 20% chances at a feat 6 star vs 60% of a 6 star at end of 3 months. While I prefer the first its not that much different when you think about it.)
2) find some other currency that rewards ppl for doing more incursions runs like currently with arenas. Instead of arena crystals come up with an incursion crystals which u get shards the more runs you do.