I think we all would appreciate this.

One of the most common struggles that I and many others are shortages of Iso. With new ways to obtain heaps of gold and rank up materials I find it hard to have enough iso for all my champs.
I think a daily quest similar to the catalyst ones would be useful. Currently the game pushes for slower advancement - saving materials for progression - by establishing these daily quests to save up your catalysts to avoid shortages. However, there is not reliable way to obtain gold out side of the first few story acts and duplicating champs. These of which many endgame players have already 100%, and many non-whales do not have the mass crystal openings (no shame to whaling keep supporting this game please). A quick an much appreciated would be to have a tiered daily quest with different types of class Iso. This would allow those with no gold to get more by selling iso, those with a need for iso to get it, and those saving it for a future pull to do so.
I think a daily quest similar to the catalyst ones would be useful. Currently the game pushes for slower advancement - saving materials for progression - by establishing these daily quests to save up your catalysts to avoid shortages. However, there is not reliable way to obtain gold out side of the first few story acts and duplicating champs. These of which many endgame players have already 100%, and many non-whales do not have the mass crystal openings (no shame to whaling keep supporting this game please). A quick an much appreciated would be to have a tiered daily quest with different types of class Iso. This would allow those with no gold to get more by selling iso, those with a need for iso to get it, and those saving it for a future pull to do so.
2. Arena is an easy way to earn constant gold
Edit: oops this is about iso. I have found that running a 4.2 quest for the 3* chests gives a decent amount of iso for the time spent. It is like 4 1300 generic bricks per run
A bunch of T5B and T2A in excess.
I have about 3 champs I want to r5 and 3 champs I want to R2 but guess what?
No iso. Duping a champ only scratches the surface of the iso I need lol
With regards to ISO, a few months ago I started saving all my 4* and 5* shards and only open DUAL CLASS crystals should I need a certain kind of ISO. Personally, I think it's ridiculous that duplicate 4* champs give the same amount of ISO as duplicate 5* or 6* champs. That's the only thing I think needs to be addressed about the ISO situation - 5* duplicates should give more ISO than 4* duplicates and 6* duplicates should give more ISO than 5* duplicates.