Second alliance recruitment

Deuce2180Deuce2180 Member Posts: 124
Hey everyone, we have decided to start a second alliance for people to either grow or not have the pressure of higher maps. We are looking at just map 3 in 3bgs for a more relaxed game play, this way if you need to do story or eq there is far less pressure. My main alliance is called the chosen and we run very smoothly, we use line for coms and have a great no argument atmosphere nor egos. We would like to implement the same basic principles in our new alliance. The new alliance is called Immortal Vampires, and if any of this sounds like a good fit for you drop me a message on line. My line ID is deuce2180 but it will show daywalker22 my main account. Hope you all had a great Christmas and New year. Please also bare in mind this will take about a week to get running so please have patients
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