Aegon Text Pop-Up and Fury Issues [Merged Thread, title edited for clarity]



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  • LLStashLLStash Member Posts: 132
    edited January 2021
    Kabam ive been hoping to do one path of abyss after seeing that you’re giving out 10 free revives but then I find out aegon is bugged. Aegon does gain 3 furies while hitting into the opponents block tho which is weird. Pls fix this before the new month comes around and those revives expire it’s really frustrating as abyss is the only content in the game I have left to do
    Post edited by Kabam Miike on
  • LLStashLLStash Member Posts: 132
    @will-o-wisp you r speaking the language of the gods
    But honestly, @Kabam Miike a little “ we r looking into it” atleast?
  • WOLF_LINKWOLF_LINK Member Posts: 1,376 ★★★★
    If you think, 10 free 25% Revives are enough ... well, umm ... nope.

    Of course they should fix their Bugs asap.
    LLStash said:

    Kabam ive been hoping to do one path of abyss after seeing that you’re giving out 10 free revives but then I find out aegon is bugged. Aegon does gain 3 furies while hitting into the opponents block tho which is weird. Pls fix this before the new month comes around and those revives expire it’s really frustrating as abyss is the only content in the game I have left to do

    I wouldn‘t mind gaining Furys when hitting the Block. Sounds like an Ægon Buff. Wish he had that. Better than getting Furys for being hit.
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    WOLF_LINK said:

    If you think, 10 free 25% Revives are enough ... well, umm ... nope.

    Of course they should fix their Bugs asap.

    LLStash said:

    Kabam ive been hoping to do one path of abyss after seeing that you’re giving out 10 free revives but then I find out aegon is bugged. Aegon does gain 3 furies while hitting into the opponents block tho which is weird. Pls fix this before the new month comes around and those revives expire it’s really frustrating as abyss is the only content in the game I have left to do

    I wouldn‘t mind gaining Furys when hitting the Block. Sounds like an Ægon Buff. Wish he had that. Better than getting Furys for being hit.
    It’s still free revives that will go to a run in abyss.
  • Hera1d_of_Ga1actusHera1d_of_Ga1actus Member Posts: 2,441 ★★★★★
    Any revive is units so any free revives are free units to go to anything. As well as that, revives that some may have claimed during gifting may be expiring soon
  • last_høpelast_høpe Member Posts: 4
    I can confirm that I existence the same bug with Ægon that he gets only one fury after 300 gut combo. This is resolved by teaching 750 combo. Then you'll gain all furies as usually

  • Hera1d_of_Ga1actusHera1d_of_Ga1actus Member Posts: 2,441 ★★★★★
    edited January 2021
    I did a run in ROL with my 3* Aegon and got to 750 but it did not work. Wait a minute, I may need to have some persistent combo as I only did it on Winter Soldier, I really don't know tho. This whole update is pissing me off
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  • GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    To anyone here, I just did a path in Labyrinth. Figuring it wouldn`t matter THAT much.
    And I can confirm what @last_høpe said. At 750 combo your furies work as they normally would.
    And I didn`t notice any difference in damage output after reaching that combo.
    So anyone that is wanting to do an abyss run with expiring items. You are good to go!!!!!!
  • GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    @Jslap @teamironwinter @Mauled @Horror_punk @DuffMcGruff @Mase1127 @TheHeroDeserved @Bean @SugarCircuit @CizzleCK @Knu3 Sorry for tagging you guys. But I saw you guys posted you had expiring items.
    Like I said above, I just did a labyrinth run, and at 750 combo everything was as normal for me. With the exception of all the text still popping up. Did not test the opening heavy. But if you have a huge stash of items expiring, I`d suggest doing your path. If there are still issues they are so minimal that I did not notice any difference between this path and the other 2 of which 1 I did a week ago.
    So don`t let them expire, I find it very unlikely they will give you all your revives back after the bug, so it would be a great waste.

    @Skesr you think to negatively of the world mate. If I were a burn account would I have as many posts as I have and go to the trouble of tagging everyone I did?
    Not saying Aegon is all perfect, but I think they have done something so that at a very high combo (which he will reach in labyrinth and abyss, he still has his damage).

    Hope my posts helped, along with Last_hope's post.
  • Mase1127Mase1127 Member Posts: 60 ★★

    @Jslap @teamironwinter @Mauled @Horror_punk @DuffMcGruff @Mase1127 @TheHeroDeserved @Bean @SugarCircuit @CizzleCK @Knu3 Sorry for tagging you guys. But I saw you guys posted you had expiring items.
    Like I said above, I just did a labyrinth run, and at 750 combo everything was as normal for me. With the exception of all the text still popping up. Did not test the opening heavy. But if you have a huge stash of items expiring, I`d suggest doing your path. If there are still issues they are so minimal that I did not notice any difference between this path and the other 2 of which 1 I did a week ago.
    So don`t let them expire, I find it very unlikely they will give you all your revives back after the bug, so it would be a great waste.

    @Skesr you think to negatively of the world mate. If I were a burn account would I have as many posts as I have and go to the trouble of tagging everyone I did?
    Not saying Aegon is all perfect, but I think they have done something so that at a very high combo (which he will reach in labyrinth and abyss, he still has his damage).

    Hope my posts helped, along with Last_hope's post.

    If you didn’t test the opening heavy, then your post is meaningless. I spent money on resources. I am not wasting extra resources and money because Kabam can’t properly code their updates.

    This is nothing new. There are issues with every update. For the amount of money they are making they can afford a better QA team. This is basic stuff.
  • TheHeroDeservedTheHeroDeserved Member Posts: 761 ★★★

    But I saw you guys posted you had expiring items.
    Like I said above, I just did a labyrinth run, and at 750 combo everything was as normal for me. With the exception of all the text still popping up. Did not test the opening heavy. But if you have a huge stash of items expiring, I`d suggest doing your path. If there are still issues they are so minimal that I did not notice any difference between this path and the other 2 of which 1 I did a week ago.
    So don`t let them expire, I find it very unlikely they will give you all your revives back after the bug, so it would be a great waste.

    Hope my posts helped, along with Last_hope's post.

    Thanks for the update, dude! Much appreciated 🙏 I'll keep the grind going and hopefully do path 2 at the end of this month.
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  • CizzleCKCizzleCK Member Posts: 6
    Happy to hear it’s working for you @Giuliameij but still not working for me and likely others. Not sure how to post a video here but I’m at 999 combo you can clearly see the furies not stacking.
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  • GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    I do not take any reply personal, I just think you didn`t understand the meaning of my post. Some people said they had items expiring. And by the post I guessed that were a lot of revives. With no confirmation about if you get those items back, or if they are going to freeze them. I just wanted to say that it is very doable. I have done AOL easy path and know how the fights are. Even at rampup I didn`t notice any difference in damage. But I am said to see CizzleCK is.

    And as far spending more revives than needed. if they do not compensate or freeze the items. You will have 50 revives expiring. That could count as 50 revives more than you would normalle 'use' if you wait for the fix.
    Not saying it is fine to leave a champ like this, I think they should fix him far quicker than what they are doing. Just wanted to inform that it is not worth wasting/throwing away revives over.
  • LLStashLLStash Member Posts: 132
    WOLF_LINK said:

    If you think, 10 free 25% Revives are enough ... well, umm ... nope.

    Of course they should fix their Bugs asap.

    LLStash said:

    Kabam ive been hoping to do one path of abyss after seeing that you’re giving out 10 free revives but then I find out aegon is bugged. Aegon does gain 3 furies while hitting into the opponents block tho which is weird. Pls fix this before the new month comes around and those revives expire it’s really frustrating as abyss is the only content in the game I have left to do

    I wouldn‘t mind gaining Furys when hitting the Block. Sounds like an Ægon Buff. Wish he had that. Better than getting Furys for being hit.
    Aegon gains max of 3 furies by hitting the opponent after 300 hit combo. That is not working anymore but if u hit them in block, then it’s working but hitting the block isn’t what h wanna do in a fight. That is the bug that he isn’t gaining 3 furies on hitting after 300, he’s only gaining 1.
  • Horror_punkHorror_punk Member Posts: 1,058 ★★★★

    This is my last run in abyss and sadly Ægon not doing what he used to be.
    I ran my last path 4 today where I needed him only in 3-4 fights i.e Luke, Hood, Karnak and Collector

    He is not stacking furies even at 999 combos and the heavy start bigger furies not working at all.

    I used to do collector with maximum 15 revives in my four previous runs but this time I already put 20 revives and he’s still alive.
    Now i ran out of units and revives and need to grind arenas to complete the path where my main alliance war attackers got stuck

    Kabam please do something
  • TurkishTurkish Member Posts: 1

    I can not understand the event an update is being taken, this update is a different event, what does it have to do with ageon and why ageon problem will fix when we expect a clear answer we are aware you are interested thanks for this but the extra burned resurrections and credits for the hell maze are gone
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,882 ★★★★★

    Kerneas said:

    You dont need aegon to use items

    Yes, you can do legendary difficulty with 2*s for example. But since revives are for sale only for premium currency (units), it is like if you said "why buy a car when you can invest the money in LEGO". Why would anyone waste valuable resources on stuff they dont need or want?
    The only thing I said, is that you don't need to have a specific champion in order to use items. Those examples are irrelevant here
    I admit my examples aren't the best, yes. However, Ægon is widely considered to be a key part of doing Abyss runs (of course, it has exceptions, but majority of users do Abyss with Ægon).

    All I wanna say is, that in op's situation Ægon is indeed he only REASONABLE investition of resources (as they state in their post). Yes, they can revive other champions, but if the situation is described accurately, this would mean either toerun already explored quests for merely a iso reward or purposedly die in rather easy event quests.

    Of course, couple iso is better than the items expiring, but the value of items spent, combined with time investment isn't worth of anyone's time.
  • SugarCircuitSugarCircuit Member Posts: 63
    @Giuliameij I'm glad it worked for you, but it's very clear that you cannot start a fight with a heavy and get the furies. You also cannot stack 3 furies while attacking. I just did the full abyss run because of expiring revives and can confirm that it didn't work at any point.
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  • GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    @SugarCircuit I`m sad to hear this. Mine did stack furies. 2 options that might be the case. I play on android and had the angela fury. My furies stacked up to 4 from attacking. and after I had hit the opponent 1 time the furies from getting hit worked also. But that was still different from normal.
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    Are you guys sure they dont just turn into lvl 1 revives?

    The heal potions turned into lower ones when they "expired" in past events.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,488 ★★★★★
    Seraphion said:

    Are you guys sure they dont just turn into lvl 1 revives?

    The heal potions turned into lower ones when they "expired" in past events.

    There saaid ther wil be gone nofing lower tier
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