GP not doing anything after her specials

Was ignoring this issue for a bit, figuring I was just botching my party or my dash back but it’s been too many misses. After I finish a special 1 with Gp, it doesn’t register me blocking or dashing back and leaves me exposed to getting hit. Didn’t happen until after the update saying that this issue was fixed with certain champs. Anyone else having this happen to them?


  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,468 ★★★★★
    It’s called the Karnak Effect: Champions stand and gloat after registering a hit. Engineers worked long and hard to make sure it worked on champs and subjected it to extensive testing. Be careful—under some circumstances, it might be considered an “exploit.”

    Dr. Zola

    P.S. This post is made tongue-in-cheek, and should not be taken literally.
  • StrayPoolStrayPool Member Posts: 98
    I just saw the same and it's making me drop the game until it's fixed. This is too deliberate for a bug - this is an intentional change in the frames and animation of the character. She draws out the process of replacing her weapons after special 1 - I record gameplay for a YouTube Channel, and I have previous versions of that special under review for timing differentials. Now, my own GP takes so long to replace her weapons that even after hitting an unguarded Ronan and throwing him across the field, he had time to recover and rush in to land a combo attack before I could trigger any other action in the fight; dash, dodge, block, or attack. Some folks have reported the same with characters like Scarlet Witch, Storm, and Hulk; there's talk that all Stun-using champions have been hit with this. I'm gonna test my Black Bolt, Ronan, Thor, and Electro to see; 4 different champions with slightly different battle motions. If they're all similarly delayed, then this is certainly a deliberate ploy by the devs to nerf select Champions. And I bet we won't be seeing their new releases rely on stun, or get lagged out like this.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,468 ★★★★★
    I think if you look at the larger merged thread, this is a universal issue that is not specific to you or Gwenpool.

    Dr. Zola
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