Will you ever fix the mutant node in cavalier event quest?

Its a next to useless node because it never turns bleeds into prowess. Atleast not for me. Went trough the entire quest and didnt get a single prowess from the node so the entire chapter is basically just biohazard without any bonus.
And why should ability accuracy reduction counter a benificial node? Makes it useless in that case.
It's because the bleeds are proccing off your Medium attacks.
Gambit and Omega's mediums reduce all incoming damage as a result of the attack entirely. The bleed still procs, but it won't do any damage. For some reason, the node struggles to identify that as a damaging debuff because it's technically doing no damage, so it doesn't purify them as a result when you special. Any bleeds procced using your light attacks will be purified as normal. I figured it out with a lot of Omega experimentation. For Havok, it's more likely you activated a special with Pacify while the opponent was parried, and Domino's entire existence is AAR. Long story short, purification when related to the mutant node is also based off of your OPPONENT'S ability accuracy, not your own.